synchronous terminal

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˈtɚmənəl][ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˈtə:minəl]


  • This paper proposes a new multiple access control ( MAC ) protocol named distributed synchronous reservation multiple access control protocol ( DSRP ) in which the hidden and exposed terminal problems are solved and the QoS ( Quality of Service ) requirements for real-time traffic are ensured .

    提出了一种MANETs网络中的多址接入控制协议&分布式 同步预约多址接入协议(DSRP),解决了隐藏 终端和暴露 终端问题,并且为实时业务的QoS要求提供了保障。

  • In theory this algorithm is not affected by fault resistance and does not need synchronous sampling of two terminal components .

    该方法理论上不受故障过渡电阻的影响,不要求双 数据 同步采样。

  • The Design and Implementation of PU Synchronous Terminal Emulation System

    PU 同步 终端仿真系统的设计与实现

  • The synchronous data transmission system terminal of a transceiver always transmits bit by bit transparently when receiving and transmitting data . A computer parallel interface includes three ports respectively for a data register a state register and a control register .

    电台 同步数据传输系统 终端在收发数据时一般为透明逐bit传输,计算机并行接口包括数据寄存器、状态寄存器和控制寄存器3个端口。

  • Automatic confirmation method for synchronous sampling reference terminal of current differential protection

    线路纵差保护 同步采样基准 的自动确定方法

  • So the adaptive synchronous algorithm for clock recovery can be used at terminal .

    因此在 设备处适合用基于缓存的自适应 同步方式。