
[ˈsɪnˌæps, sɪˈnæps][ˈsaɪnæps]


  • The chemical floods the synapse overwhelming the serotonin receptors .

    这种化学 物质湮没了 突触,覆盖了5&羟色胺的受体。

  • Synapse Formation and Electricity Physiology of Adult Human Neural Stem Cells Following Transplantation

    成人神经干细胞脑内移植后 突触形成和电生理功能的实验研究

  • Infoq : In your evaluation you are separating ESB from service component framework suggesting usage of Apache Tuscany and Apache Synapse .

    InfoQ:在您的评估表中,您将ESB从服务组件框架中分离出来,并建议使用ApacheTuscany和Apache Synapse

  • This means that you can store manage and use all the resources that are needed-WSDLs URLs XSLTs Scripts WS-Policies Synapse . xmls etc in a single place .

    这意味着你可以在同一个地方存储、管理和使用所有的资源&WSDL、URL、XSLT、脚本、WS-Policy、 Synapse.xml等等。

  • For example Synapse can act as an HTTP proxy .

    例如, Synapse可以作为一个HTTP代理。

  • Ecstasy also keeps serotonin from being reabsorbed further increasing the concentration in the synapse .

    毒品引起的狂迷还能阻止5羟色胺的再吸收,进一步增加了 突触内5羟色胺的浓度。

  • When incoming information reaches the synapse glutamate is released into the gap .

    当信息传递到 突触 部位,就会有谷氨酸被释放到这个间隙里。

  • The simulating results indicated that the synaptic delay happened evidently when neural signals were passed through the chemical synapse .

    研究结果表明,神经信号通过化学 突触进行传递时, 明显的突触延搁现象;

  • You are discussing some of the aspects of security in the Synapse description including WS-Security implementation .

    您在 中描述 Synapse时,讨论了安全的某些方面,包括WS-Security的实现。

  • Objective To know the ultrastructure and function of synapse in mammal 's medulla oblongata megacell reticular nucleus .

    目的探讨哺乳动物延髓巨细胞网状核内 突触的超微结构及其功能。

  • Transmits nerve impulses across a synapse .

    通过 神经 传递神经脉冲。

  • Over the past two decades molecular neuroscientists have identified key molecules and mechanisms that underlie synapse development activity and stability .

    在过去的二十年中,分子神经科学家已确定的关键分子和机制, 突触发育,活性和稳定性的基础。

  • This is due to a specific role of PRG-1 at the excitatory synapse on glutamatergic neurons .

    这是由于PRG-1基因在谷氨酸神经元兴奋性 突触的特殊作用导致的。

  • Synapse : Site of transmission of electric nerve impulses between two nerve cells or between a nerve cell and a gland or muscle cell .


  • In a strengthened synapse the informing cell releases more glutamate into the synaptic gap and / or the informed cell is more efficient at binding the glutamate .

    而在经过强化的 突触这里, 传递信息的细胞会释放更多谷氨酸到突触间隙,接受信息的细胞也可能会更有效率地结合谷氨酸。

  • We also considered other alternatives with Apache Synapse as the main alternative .

    我们还会考虑其他替代方法,Apache Synapse就是最主要的替代者。

  • Changes of Synapse in Hypothalamic Neurons in Aged Rat and the

    大鼠下丘脑神经元 突触的老龄性改变及 人参 皂甙对其影响的研究

  • Synapse is a simple XML and Web services management and integration broker that can form the basis of an SOA and Enterprise Service Bus ( ESB ) .


  • Synapse Formation between Rat Spinal Motor Neurons and Major Pelvic Ganglion Neurons in Vitro

    大鼠脊髓运动神经元与盆节神经元之间在体外 突触形成的研究

  • BTW we have included examples for both Apache Synapse as well as Spring Integration in the book .

    顺便说一句,在本书中,我们已经包含了Apache Synapse以及Spring集成的例子。

  • 3 the signal causes the filled vesicles to release serotonin into the synapse .

    信号可以引起充盈的小囊泡向 突触 释放5羟色胺。

  • AIM : To investigate the mechanism for electroacupuncture in improving the plasticity of synapse after ischemic brain injury .

    目的:探讨针刺对缺血性脑损伤后的 突触可塑性促进作用的机制。

  • And I found an interesting article on synapse reflexivity .

    我发现了一篇关于 突触反射的有趣文章。

  • The researchers also noted extremely low levels in these mice brains of a biochemical associated with healthy synapse function .

    研究人员还指出,在这些小鼠的大脑中,与健康的 突触功能相关的生化 标志 水平非常低。

  • The study revealed that the virus protein is gathered through the synapse and into the non-infected cells .

    此项研究揭示,病毒蛋白正是通过 突触聚集和进入未感染细胞的。

  • As illustrated in the previous sections Synapse can connect manage and mediate your services .

    正如前几部分中所介绍的, Synapse可以连接和管理您的服务,并为您的服务提供中介。

  • Why not make SYNAPSE open source ?

    为什么不让 SYNAPSE 系统开放源代码?

  • Effects and Mechanism of Chronic Exposure of Aluminum on Rats Hippocampus Synapse Plastic LTP

    慢性铝暴露对大鼠海马 突触可塑性LTP影响及其机制研究

  • Synapse has a default sequence of actions that applies to any messages that arrive in this way .
