swelled head



  • A swelled head does not always indicate a surplus of brains .

    自负 不一定有颗智慧的脑袋。

  • Even though you may think youre bright dont get a swelled head .

    尽管你可能认为自己很聪明,但请不要 自以为是

  • He has had a swelled head since he went to Harvard .

    自从他进入哈佛大学之后,他就 得意

  • He has a somewhat swelled head I don 't like this .

    他颇有点 自大,我不大喜欢他这一点。

  • He has a swelled head .

    他有个 自负 头脑

  • As the voice of the choir swelled the pope bent forward his head bowed and his hand covering his mouth .

    当合唱的声音 越来 响亮时,教皇 鞠躬致意并以手掩面。

  • He has gotten such a swelled head since his promotion that he 's insufferable .

    升职后他变得很 自负,令人难受。

  • Swelled head If I win the math contest I promise not to get a swelled head .

    如果我能赢数学竞赛的话,我保证我决不会 骄傲的。