




  • The gambler lost his money his car and his home at one fell swoop .

    那个赌徒在一 孤注一掷中把自己的钱、汽车和房子都 输光了。

  • Swoop through GOTHAM CITY and unleash justice playing as BATMAN in this LEGO action adventure .


  • He was secretly buying up shares of the company planning to take it over at one fell swoop .

    他在偷偷地购买那家公司的股票,计划 一举将其吞并。

  • The police made their swoop at dawn and wiped out the criminal gang .

    警方凌晨 从天而降一举消灭了这个犯罪团伙。

  • He lost all his wealth all at one swoop .

    他一 下子失去了所有的财产。

  • In one fell swoop it seemed he changed everything Americans believed about baseball .

    看来,他改变了美国人对 棒球的所有 观念

  • They will swoop down on to the fields which men have cultivated and devour every kind of harvest .

    它们会 突然下降到人耕耘的田野上,吞吃每一种的收成。

  • They could cut console production costs and take control over the entire supply chain in one fell swoop .

    他们可以降低生产成本和控制 控制台的整个供应链。

  • This hero of the skies is always ready to swoop in for the rescue .

    这个翱翔天空的英雄时刻准备 下进行施救。

  • In one fell swoop he 's destroyed everything we 've achieved in the last year .

    他一 下子 毁掉了我们去年的所有成果。

  • But afterwards changed the motionless industry to succeed atone fell swoop .

    而后来转向不动产业 一举成功。

  • I put a plate of biscuits on the table and the three children ate them at one fell swoop .

    我把一盘饼干放在桌子上,结果3个孩子一 下子把它们都吃光了。

  • In one fell swoop the bank wiped away the tentative benefits of this policy .

    银行一 下子 抹杀了这项政策暂时带来的好处。

  • You can see the bats begin to swoop and dart at nightfall .

    黄昏时你会看到蝙蝠开始 飞来掠去。

  • Fortunately AIX provides a command to gather the data in one fell swoop .

    好在AIX提供了一个 简便的命令,可以一 下子收集 所有数据。

  • It seemed that the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town so we dived for cover .

    飞机看起来好像要 俯冲下来轰炸小镇,所以我们赶紧蹲下躲避。

  • The drugs squad swooped and discovered 240 kilograms of cannabis .

    缉毒组突击 搜查查获了240千克的大麻。

  • I lost all my savings in one fell swoop .

    我所有的储蓄一 下子都丢失了。

  • You can lose your job and your savings ─ all in one fell swoop .

    你可能会在丢了饭碗的同时,丢掉自己的积蓄&一 杆子 打翻篮子

  • More than 20 helicopters began swooping in low over the ocean

    20多架直升机开始 下降 海面 俯冲

  • The hawk swooped and soared away carrying something .

    那只鹰 向下 猛冲抓住东西 又展翅高飞了。

  • The owl made a sudden swoop down and caught the mouse .

    猫头鹰突然 猛扑下来抓住了老鼠。

  • All our problems solved in one fell swoop .

    我们的所有问题一 下子 全部解决了。

  • It seemed the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town .

    那飞机似乎要向下 俯冲并且猛烈炮轰这个城镇。

  • With a swoop of his shining ax the third tree fell .

    他的利斧 砍向小树,第三棵树倒下了。

  • She just broke up with the guy it 's time for you to swoop in !

    她刚刚甩了那个家伙,这是你 过去 机会。

  • We saw the eagle swoop from the sky to catch its prey .

    我们看到老鹰从天空 猛扑 下去抓猎物。

  • The representatives arrived all in one swoop .

    代表们一 下子全到了。