
[计] 拆卸

  • With the rise of International Trade Protectionism the export of textile products is confronted with more tade barriers in China .

    随着国际贸易保护主义的抬头,我国纺织品出口面临了更多的 贸易 壁垒

  • Make the comparison and appraisal of three respects in benefit and cost of antidumping tax and non-tariff tade barriers again ;

    再次是将反倾销税与非关税 壁垒的成本&效益做出三个方面的比较和评价;

  • The value and importance of trade secret are becoming more outstanding and more obvious and tade secret protection has been the center that people notice .

    商业秘密的价值和重要性日益突出和明显, 商业秘密保护已成为人们关注的焦点。

  • The comparison was made among the three groups in terms of the quantity of medicine the time for the anesthesia to tade effect the quality of anesthesia cycle function and side effects .

    比较三组 麻药用药量,麻醉 起效完善时间,麻醉质量,循环功能变化及不良反应。

  • They are going to tade ten day 's holiday at Christmas .

    他们要在圣诞节 休假十天。