target recognition

[ˈtɑrɡɪt ˌrɛkəɡˈnɪʃən][ˈtɑ:ɡit ˌrekəɡˈniʃən]


  • Referring to the problem of true-fake warhead recognition in missile early warning satellite system a new algorithm of warhead target recognition for decision-making system is established .

    针对导弹预警卫星系统中的真假弹头识别问题,提出了一种在决策系统中对弹头 目标 识别的新算法。

  • Target Recognition Method Based on Structure of Local Feature

    基于局部特征几何结构的 目标 识别方法研究

  • Research of moving target recognition based on color and region

    基于颜色和区域运动 目标 识别的研究

  • The Application of Rough BP Neural Network and D-S Evidence Theory in Target Recognition

    粗BP神经网络和D-S证据理论在 目标 识别中的应用

  • A Study on the Technique of SAR Image Analysis and Target Recognition Based on Wavelet

    基于小波的SAR图像分析与 技术研究

  • Research on Technique of Passive Sonar Target Recognition Based on Line Spectrum Feature Extraction

    基于线谱特征提取的被动声纳 目标 技术研究

  • Background subtraction should be solved at first in intelligence surveillance and auto target recognition .

    背景消除是智能视觉监控和自动 目标 识别 跟踪首先要解决的问题。

  • Study on SAR Images Target Recognition

    合成孔径雷达图像 目标 识别 技术研究

  • The infrared target recognition method based on the invariance of spectral angle in time sequence is put forward in order to recognizing spatial target and balloon decoy .

    为了识别空间目标与气球诱饵,提出了基于光谱角时序不变性的红外 目标 识别方法。

  • Aiming at the IR3D target recognition question a method based on fast skeleton extraction is proposed .

    针对三维 目标 识别问题,提出了一种基于快速骨架提取的方法。

  • Imaging ladar can offer angle-angle-range-intensity images which can facilitate target recognition .

    激光成像雷达能获得角-角-距离-强度像,易于 目标 识别,从而备受青睐。

  • Micro-Doppler provides a new way for radar target recognition while the translation velocity affects the extraction of micro-Doppler information .

    微多普勒为雷达 目标 识别提供了一种新的思路和方法,而目标的平动速度会影响微多普勒信息的提取。

  • Feature Extraction and Target Recognition Based on Image Information

    基于图像的特征信息提取与 目标 识别

  • The problem of feature compression in high-resolution radar target recognition is studied .

    研究了宽带高分辨雷达 目标 识别中的特征压缩问题。

  • Simulation of SAR imagery of typical ground vehicles is very important for SAR image interpretation and target recognition .

    典型地面车辆目标SAR图像仿真对SAR图像解译和 目标 识别具有重要意义。

  • The model and the simulation method can be used to provide simulated dynamic infrared images for target recognition .

    研究结果可以为 目标 识别等提供模拟的动态红外图像。

  • Automatic Target Recognition through infrared imaging is an important part in the research of the precision guided weapons .

    红外成像自动 目标 识别是精确制导武器的重要研究内容。

  • An example demonstrated that the target recognition fusion model is feasible .

    实例证明了该 目标 识别融合模型的可行性。

  • In general the target direction infrared radiation intensity chart is one of the important characteristics for target recognition .

    一般来说,目标的红外辐射强度方向图是用于 目标 识别的重要特征之一。

  • This paper puts forward a method of target recognition based on multi-feature integration and polar coordinates transformation .

    提出一种基于多特征融合和极坐标变换的 目标 识别方法。

  • The target recognition and tracking in image is the basic task and the choke point in image-guidance technology .

    图像中待攻击 目标 自动 识别与跟踪锁定是图像制导的基本任务,也是图像制导技术的难点所在。

  • The SAR target characteristics analysis for target recognition is studied in detail in the paper .

    本文研究和综述了 面向 识别的SAR目标特性分析技术。

  • In the field of image processing target segmentation is necessary for target recognition .

    在图象处理领域中目标分割是 目标 识别过程中一项必不可少的工作。

  • Research on Real-Time Target Recognition and Tracking Using PHD

    基于PHD的实时 目标 识别与跟踪研究

  • Decision templates is an intuitive decision level fusion scheme for target recognition .

    决策模板法是一种直观的决策层融合 目标 识别方法。

  • A cooperative target recognition technique based on laser beam coding is presented in this paper .

    提出激光束编码的合作式 目标 识别方法。

  • The Application of Principal Components Analysis Method on the Opto-Electronic Target Recognition

    主分量分析方法在光电 目标 识别中的应用

  • It is an effective method to use the invariant moment features for target recognition .

    利用图像的不变矩特征进行 目标 识别是一种有效的方法。

  • A method for synthetic aperture radar images target recognition using support vector machine combined with hidden Markov models is presented .

    提出了一种支持向量机和隐马尔可夫模型相结合的合成孔径雷达图像 目标 识别方法。

  • The method for radar target recognition using local integral bispectrum and SVM is proposed .

    提出了基于局部积分双谱与SVM的雷达 目标 识别方法。