target cells

[医] 靶细胞

  • BACKGROUND : It is difficult to study and trace the target cells in bone and bone bio-scaffold which are very hard compact and poor lucency .

    背景:由于骨性生物材料和骨组织本身坚硬致密的物理特性,限制了对生长在其中的 细胞的示踪研究。

  • Objective To test the immunity of peritoneal monocytes against Plasmodium yoelii infected red blood cells ( target cells ) .

    目的检测腹腔单核细胞对约氏疟原虫感染红细胞( 细胞)的免疫作用。

  • The effects of striatal target cells on morphological development of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons were studied using coculture method .

    本文通过胚胎腹侧中脑和纹状体联合培养研究 纹状体对中脑多巴胺(DA)神经元形态发育的影响。

  • At present we consider NO released by activated macrophages can kill target cells by restraining the tricarboxylic acid cycle electron transfer and composition of DNA in target cells .

    目前认为,经激活的巨噬细胞释放的NO可以通过抑制 细胞线粒体中三羧酸循环、电子传递和 细胞DNA合成等途径,发挥杀伤靶细胞的效应。

  • Moreover target cells may have some'correction mechanism'against the introduced foreign genes .


  • Conclusion5F11-DXR can remarkably increase the cytotoxicity of DXR to the sensitive target cells and even effectively reverse the drug-resistant cell lines to DXR .

    结论5F11-DXR对敏感 细胞的杀伤作用较DXR明显增强,并可有效逆转耐药靶细胞对DXR的多药耐药性。

  • The PD4 antigen was expressed on the membrane of target cells and it was a heat-sensitive protein of40KD molecular weight .

    PD4抗原主要表达于 细胞的膜上,不耐热,为分子量40kD的蛋白性抗原。

  • The subcellular distribution of ADR and Annexin V expression in the target cells were detected by fluorescence microscopy .

    荧光显微镜下观察ADR在 细胞内的分布和AnnexinV的表达。

  • Meanwhile this experiment provides target cells of gene therapy research of tumors .

    同对,本实验也对肿瘤的基因治疗研究提供了 细胞

  • Death patterns of tumor target cells were necrosis and apoptosis .

    A-NK 细胞 杀伤的肿瘤 细胞死亡形式是溶解坏死和凋亡。

  • Our knowledge about the estrogen target cells and exact signaling pathways in the hair follicle is still very limited .

    目前对毛囊中雌激素 细胞和准确信号通路了解甚少。

  • Application of hemopoietic stem cells included hemopoietic stem cell transplantation and as target cells for gene therapy .

    造血干细胞的应用包括造血干细胞移植和作为基因治疗的 细胞

  • FasL combined effect of Fas antigen target cells within a few hours by apoptosis ways targeted cell death .

    效应细胞FasL结合 细胞Fas抗原后,在数小时内通过细胞凋亡途径使靶细胞死亡。

  • All stem cells and pluripotent stem cells have a high degree of self-renewal ability and potential capability of differentiation which is an important target cells in tissue engineering .

    全能干细胞和多能干细胞具有高度自我更新能力和多向分化的潜能,是组织工程中重要的 细胞

  • The reason for this is that the aptamer modified drug carrier can specifically recognize their target cells .

    这是因为修饰了核酸适体的载药颗粒能够特异性识别 细胞

  • Nanoparticles have been widely used for a variety of biomedical applications and there is a growing need for highly specific and efficient uptake of the nanoparticles into target cells .

    纳米颗粒已被广泛应用于生物医学的许多领域,将纳米颗粒特异并高效地摄入 细胞的需求也持续增长。

  • The idea is that if the DNA gets properly embedded in the target cells it can potentially remain there indefinitely and deliver benefits for a long time .

    这种疗法的思路是,在被妥善嵌入 目标 细胞的情况下,DNA可能会永远留在 细胞中,从而给病人带来长期的益处。

  • Structurally familiar proteins should evade attack from the immune system while on their way to target cells .

    熟悉蛋白质在结构上应回避攻击的免疫系统,而就其方法的 细胞

  • Cytarabine enhances B7 expression on leukemic cells and promotes cytotoxic effect of bispecific antibody against target cells

    阿糖胞苷增强白血病细胞B7分子表达及促进双功能抗体对 细胞的杀伤

  • Structural information about the protein the virus uses to attach itself to its target cells could provide a new strategy to fight infection .

    体味麻疹病毒吸附到 宿主 细胞所借助的卵白结构信息,可觉得抗病毒传染供给一条新的策略。

  • The values you attempted to fill are invalid for the target cells .

    试图填写的值对 目标 单元格来说无效。

  • The aim of gene therapy is to transfect DNA into target cells in which utilizing antisense oligonucleotides is a main method .

    基因治疗是将DNA转染进入 目的 细胞,修复遗传错误或产生治疗因子。反义寡核苷酸的应用是基因治疗的主要手段之一。

  • Results indicated that the immunoconjugate exhibited selective cytotoxicity to target cells .

    结果提示,这种免疫结合物对 细胞具有选择性细胞毒作用。

  • Conclusion : The synovial cells from AA rats were successfully cultured and can be used as target cells for the succedent experimental research .

    结论:成功地培养出了AA大鼠滑膜细胞,可作为进一步实验研究的 细胞

  • Infected cells or free virions can reach target cells in a new host via blood transfusion accidental injection or mucous membrane exposure .

    感染细胞或游离病毒体可经由输血、意外注射或粘膜暴露到达新宿主的 细胞

  • These results suggest that NK cells can selectively recognize and conjugate poorly differentiated or immature target cells .

    以上结果说明NK细胞在发挥自然细胞毒过程中具有一定的选择性,选择性地结合并杀伤分化差或幼稚的 细胞

  • It is absorbed by the target cells where HIV is also heading and stops infection there .

    它被 目标 细胞吸收,艾滋病病毒也向这些 细胞进发,在那里它阻止了感染的发生。

  • ADCC activity is an important function of the human immune system whereby immune cells can kill target cells e.g.cancer cells .

    免疫细胞之所以能杀死 细胞比如癌 细胞,真是因为,ADCC活性是人体免疫系统的一项重要功能。

  • Thus MSC has become the ideal target cells for tissue engineering cell and gene therapy .

    因此,MSC已成为组织工程、细胞及基因治疗理想的 细胞1-2w_2112。

  • Ultrastructural Changes of Target Cells Killed by Effector Cells Stimulated by Glioma Cell Vaccine with High Immunogenicity in vitro

    高免疫原性胶质瘤细胞疫苗体外抗瘤时 细胞超微结构变化