
[医] 毯的

  • Tapetal cells always contain rich DNA RNA and protein .


  • Cytoplasmic Connections Between Tapetal Cells of Gossypium hirsutum

    陆地棉(Gossypiumhirsutum) 细胞间的胞质通道

  • Tapetal layer of blue honeysuckle belongs to amoeboid tapetum . 3 .


  • In cultivar M-101 the process of tapetal disintegration might be divided into two phases : secreting sporopollenin at microspore developmental stage ;

    M-101品种花药 的解体过程大体可分为两个阶段:在小孢子发育期,绒毡层主要分泌孢粉素;

  • The mainly cytological reason resulting the abortion is the abnormal function of the tapetal cells .

    导致 雄性不育主要的细胞学原因是 细胞 结构、功能的失常。

  • The chromatin of tapetal cell has a period of becoming condensed and then spreading accompanying the meiosis of the microspore mother cells which will affect the entering of nutrient into the inner part of microsporangium .


  • The haploid pollen cells develop in the tapetal zone from spore mother cells .

    单倍体花粉细胞由 提供 营养 发育

  • On the contrary the GA 1 + 4 localized in tapetal cells gradually decreased with the anther development .

    细胞质 细胞核GA1+4的分布 数量逐渐减少。

  • The tapetal cells of fertile anther began to synthesis abundant lipid material during microspore development .

    在可育花药中, 细胞在小孢子发育 后期显示 退化迹象, 同时在细胞中开始积累脂类物质。

  • The tapetal cells of CMS line A4 enlarged abnormally at meiotic phase pressing microsporocyte seriously .

    不育系A4在减数分裂期即表现出异常, 异常肥大;

  • The tapetal membrane is distinctly shown at the binucleate pollen stage .

    2-细胞花粉时期, 膜明显可见;

  • It is not clear whether the abortion of the tetrads stimulates proliferation of the tapetal cells or the proliferating tapetum actually interferes with microspore development thereby causing degeneration .

    由于 细胞异常膨大,挤压四分体,四分体不分离产生 小孢子,从而不能形成正常的花粉粒而导致败育。

  • Sporopollenin behavior during the process of tapetal disintegration of rice cultivar M-101 and its induced genetic male sterile ( GMS ) no pollen mutant line ⅰ - 15 was observed by using the yellow fraction of pyronin B to specifically induce the sporopollenin to fluoresce .

    利用派罗宁B-黄色组分诱导孢粉素产生荧光的特异性,观察了水稻M101品种以及它的无花粉型胞核雄性不育(GMS)突变体Ⅰ-15系花药 解体过程中孢粉素的行为。

  • Although tapetal cells developed normally meiotic behavior of chromosomes in pollen mother cells ( PMC ) were abnormal leading to the degeneration of microspores ;


  • The events of sporopollenin behavior during the process of tapetal disintegration and their relations to pollen development are discussed .


  • There were a layer Ca 2 + precipitates around the tapetal cells .

    花粉 时期 细胞周围 集聚一层Ca2+沉淀。

  • The ultrastructure of the tapetal layer in male sterile form showed a significantly different feature from that of the fertile form .

    太谷 不育 花药 细胞 发育 进程和亚显微结构与可育株有明显的不同。

  • All these showed that male sterility is directly associated with tapetal abnormalities .

    由此可见:其雄性不育与 发育异常有直接联系。

  • The results revealed that the tapetal cells of the male sterile A2 developed abnormally at tetrad stage and they became vacuolated and numerous small vacuoles are present .

    结果表明:不育系A2的 细胞在四分体时期出现异常,小液泡增多,至单核期汇合形成大液泡, 细胞异常膨大;

  • Fine structure of tapetal cells and Ubisch bodies in the anther of Ophiopogon japonicus

    麦冬花药 和乌氏体的细微结构

  • There are three patterns of the tapetal secretion ( osmotic secretion exocytic secretion and autocytolysis ) . 3.The inner tangential wall and the radial wall undergo two cycles i.


  • The results showed that microsporogenesis could process normally and there was no difference in the tapetal cell between 8A and 8B lines before tetrad stage .

    结果表明:不育系和保持系都能正常进行减数分裂, 细胞无明显差异,形成了正常的四分孢子。

  • In tetrad stage the structures of tapetal cells begin to dissociate .

    四分体时期, 细胞内部结构开始解体。

  • When microspore mother cell ( MMC ) preparing meiosis calcium precipitates appeared in the cytoplasm of tapetal cells and callus wall surrounding MMC .

    当花粉母细胞进行减数分裂时,花药中的钙颗粒 进一步 增加尤其是在小孢子母细胞的 胼胝质壁中。