tee shirt

[ti ʃɚt][ti: ʃə:t]


  • But this study by the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research only changed the colour of the tee shirt . Every other aspect from make up to behaviour remained the same .

    但是,这项由《酒店及旅游研究期刊》发起的实验只有 T恤颜色变化因素 才会影响 小费,而化妆行为等其他因素都不会产生影响。

  • When the bank relaxed its dress codes she turned up for work in Capri pants and a tee shirt but was later informed by the human resources department that it was not appropriate .

    银行放松着装要求后,她便穿着紧身中裤和 T恤 去上班,而后人力资源部却告诉她这样的着装不得体。

  • Even if the guy 's dressed in his favorite old white tee shirt with this napkin at his neck he 'll actually look like he made the effort to get dressed for dinner . A great conversation piece at any party .

    男士就餐时戴上这个餐巾,就算穿着最爱的白色旧 T恤,实际上感觉他已准备就绪开始用餐了。聚会时用最好了,大家都戴着它聊天。

  • Except he didn 't have wings and he was wearing blue jeans and a tee shirt .

    但是他没有这对翅膀,穿着蓝色牛仔裤和 T恤

  • Even as a tee shirt it shows just how much the colour red is perceived by men to increase the physical and sexual attractiveness of women said the researchers .

    研究人员表示,即便是一 T恤,对于男性而言,红色能展示出魅力,增加女性在身体上和性方面的吸引力。