The most egregious excessive bonus payouts now include a tenuous link to performance .
最令人震惊的高额奖金支付,现在也 开始 空洞地与绩效挂钩。
This decision puts the President in a somewhat tenuous position .
这个决定使得总统的位置有些 岌岌可危。
We both know how tenuous a relation there is between a man 's intentions and the consequences of his acts .
我们两人都知道,在一个人的意图和他的行动后果之间,存在着多么 微妙的关系。
He gave a tenuous account of his past life .
他对他过去的生活说得 很 含糊。
In this method the relationship of risk management and the key project measurements is tenuous .
在此方法中,风险管理和关键项目测量的关系是 纤细的。
The linkage to performance is sometimes tenuous Dunn said .
“与业绩挂钩的加薪体制有时候是 很 脆弱的。”Dunn说。
Even now after years of incremental reforms their foothold in China can be tenuous .
即便是现在,在经过多年的渐进式改革之后,它们 仍未在中国 站稳脚跟。
The stock market is simply too inefficient and its links with the real economy too tenuous to make this a good strategy .
上海股市的效率实在太低了,与实体经济的联系太过 勉强,使消极 投资 算 不上一个好策略。
Concentration of control of mass media has congealed at a tenuous time in national history .
大众传播媒介的集中控制是在美国历史上一个 软弱无力的时期形成的。
You 're straining an already tenuous situation .
你是在强行扭转一个已经 不 可信的状况。
He struggled to maintain his tenuous hold on her .
他竭力想保持对她的 微弱的控制。
Though Azeroth was saved the tenuous pact between the Horde and the Alliance has all but evaporated .
虽然成功的保卫了艾泽拉斯大陆,但联盟和部落间 脆弱的协议早已经荡然无存。
However fears remain that the tenuous pick-up in interest could reverse .
不过人们仍然担心,兴趣 微弱的回升势头可能会逆转。
Which means it is scientific in a very tenuous way .
这意味着,它是科学的,以一种相当 微妙的方式。
As the pace of life In the city speeds up human communication becomes superficial and tenuous .
随着城市生活节奏加快,人际交往变得浮于表面、 感 脆弱。
Fine elegant and distinguished by an elegant scent of violets and tenuous perfumes of wild berries .
香气优雅而独特,有优雅的紫罗兰香气和 细微的野莓香气。
During interphase the chromosomes are too tenuous to be stained .
在间期中,染色体非常 纤细, 以致不能被染色。
But he notes that data are elusive and that the link between law and reality is often tenuous .
同时他也指出,这些数据令人琢磨不透,而且法律和现实之间联系也常是 那么 虚无缥缈。
The key of processing tenuous hole by plain lathe is the design of clamping apparatus .
用普通车床加工 细长孔,夹具和钻具的设计是关键。
Delicate rings of colourful glowing gas-nitrogen-red hydrogen-green and oxygen-blue-outline the tenuous walls of the hourglass .
红色氮气、绿色氢气和蓝色氧气这些彩色发光气体共同组成了这个形状与 沙漏极其相似的星云。
The African connection is rather tenuous but it appears to be the most likely .
至于说jazz一 词与非洲有联系,这一 说法 显然 脆弱 无力,但似乎是最有可能。
The risk rally does however look very tenuous .
然而,这轮风险反弹看上去确实非常 勉强。
By the time I went to live with the Beaches I believed that life was entirely unfair and that love was tenuous and untrustworthy .
我开始与比奇这一家人住的时候,我相信生活根本就是不公平的,爱是 虚无飘渺、靠不住的。
This is a very tenuous situation and I am not updating about the risk of banks social security checks and the like .
这是个非常 无力的情况,而我现在不是在告知你们银行的风险,社会安全等待。
This weak link can be even more tenuous than might first be apparent .
这个 脆弱的链接可能会比最初更弱。
Human relationships are tenuous .
人情 浇 薄。
The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous
许多省份之间的文化和历史纽带被认为是很 脆弱 的 。
In its place is the illusion of an elongated leg and only a most tenuous connection to the ground .
取而代之的是一个长脚的幻想最 脆弱的连接,只有在地上。
Historically however the linkage between high GDP growth and investment returns is tenuous .
然而从历史上看,gdp高增长与投资回报之间的联系 微乎其微。