taxes withheld


  • Individual income taxes withheld and paid by Party A on behalf ;

    由公司 代扣 代缴的个人所得

  • Generally taxes withheld at source by the applicable foreign payer may not be settle your final tax liability with the applicable foreign tax authorities .

    普通而言,适用于外国征税人的源头 征税不会决议你在外国税务机构的最终税收责任。

  • Employment and income taxes are withheld by the employer from pay .

    就业 和所得 由雇主从工资中 扣除

  • Unemployment insurance premiums shall be paid before the enterprises pay their income taxes and shall be withheld on a monthly basis by the banks in which the enterprises open their accounts .

    企业缴纳的待业保险费在缴纳所得 前列 ,由企业的开户银行按月 扣缴

  • Refunds on foreign taxes withheld ;

    退还外国 税款