tare weight

[tɛr wet][teə weit]


  • The principles outlined above for getting the tare weight of containers should be applied .

    应该用上面概述的测定容器 皮重的方法。

  • The balance beam scale is outfitted with a beaker reservoir on one of its arms and a tare weight on the other .

    平衡梁式天平在它的一条臂上配备一个烧杯 容器,另 一臂上配备 重量

  • Wagon Tare Weight Deviation and its Implications on the Transportation Benefits and Safety

    货车 自重偏差及其对运输效益和安全的影响

  • Gross weight is the sum of total weight of the commodity itself and the tare ( the package weight ) . That 's to say it refers to the net weight plus the tare weight of the goods .

    毛重是指商品本身的重量加上 皮重(包装的重量),也就是净重和皮重的总重量。

  • The main one is that have solved the gross weight and tare of tobacco leaf of casing one-one problem and make tobacco re-drying enterprise 's encasement tobacco leaf weight error to limit to ± 50g solve encasement tobacco leaf weight error loud difficult problem completely .

    最主要的是解决了装箱烟叶毛重和 皮重一一对应的问题,将复烤企业装箱烟叶的 净重误差控制在±50g以内,彻底解决了装箱烟叶净重误差大的难题。

  • Deducting the tare weight from the gross weight we get the net weight .

    毛重 扣掉 包装 重量 便得到净重。

  • It shows that both the stem weight and the bast weight have effect on the tare weight per plant both of them are the determining factor . 2 .

    单株 皮重影响最大的是 分枝重和茎 ,二者是 单株 皮重的决定因素。2.从 造纸 角度 来看,棉秆韧皮纤维质量 较好

  • Please old not omit mention the tare and gross weight In addition to the net .

    在净重之外请勿遗漏 皮重 毛重

  • The tare weight is subtracted from the actual weight and the difference is multiplied by 14.7 to determine the amount of gas in standard cubic feet .


  • This paper presents the significance of the decreasing in tare weight of the locomotive with the speed increases of the train .

    阐述了随着列车运行速度的提高,降低机车 自重的重要意义。