Use your mutant powers just talk people to death .
使用你的特异能力 与别人 交谈。
Well the things we 'll talk about are philosophical questions that arise as we begin to think about the nature of death .
我们 要 讨论的是,在我们思考 死亡本质时产生的哲学问题。
His tedious talk bored us to death .
他的冗长乏味的 讲话使我们腻烦 得 要死。
When you 're on a date don 't talk him to death .
约会的时候,不要 讲话太 多。
In this talk I will attempt to trace his life from when he was an undergraduate at MIT to his death due to stomach cancer in1988 .
在本 演讲中,我将试 著追述他的生活过程,从他在麻省理工学院就读大学起,一直到他在1988年罹患胃癌 去世为止。
Let 's change the subject and talk about something else . We 've flogged this to-pic to death .
让我们改变话题吧, 谈些别的事情。我们 对这个 话题已不感兴趣了。
They may talk about morals but they still have to dance their death dance .
‘男女之大防’ 固然 要维持,‘ 死的跳舞’却也不可不跳!
Paris told the friar that he had not had the chance to talk to Juliet yet because of Tybalt 's death .
巴利斯告诉修士说,因为提伯特的 死,他还没有机会 与茱丽叶 谈。
For me the hell has reserved a special place where I sit and talk and scare myself to death * . a little bit more each day .
地狱早就为我留了一个特别的位置,在那里我可以坐在 讲述,每天 对 死亡的多一点害怕。
In 1985 Neil Postman was responsible for the alarmist talk named Amusing Ourselves To Death in prosperous times .
1985年, 尼尔·波兹曼发出了《娱乐 至死》的盛世危言。
What 'd you do talk those termites to death ?
你是 把白蚁 烦 死的吗?
Through all this sneering talk I was made to feel the threat of death that overhung me and my cheeks burned and my heart beat painfully in my breast .
听着这番讥讽的 话语,我感到 死亡的威胁就悬在我头上。我脸涨得通红,心跳得厉害。
Or * We could talk him to death .
或者我们让他 谈判 致死。
Did he talk to you about her death ?
他 对你 说过她的 死亡吗?
美[tɔk tu dɛθ]英[tɔ:k tu: deθ]