WIPO is providing technical assistance for this purpose .
WIPO为这些活动提供 技术 援助。
Provide technical assistance to division 's customer base and sales organization .
为相应的事业部客户和销售机构提供 技术 支持。
Technical assistance from the Chinese mainland in the ECO region 's development .
从 技术上 协助ECO在中国大陆地区的发展。
Programme of Advisory Services and Technical Assistance
咨询服务和 技术 援助方案
WHO provides support and technical assistance to national control programmes .
世卫组织向国家控制规划提供支持和 技术 援助。
Sometimes those organizations did not have the opportunity to attract technical assistance and make use of it individually .
有时这些组织没有机会自行吸引和利用 技术 援助。
What we badly need be know - how engineering service and technical assistance .
我们急需的是技术诀窍、工程服务和 技术 援助。
Government helps with cooperative starts through technical assistance research and education .
政府通过 技术 支持、研究和培训帮助启动合作社。
Demonstration households will be selected and will receive training and technical assistance from the project training team .
将选出示范农户,他们将从项目培训组获得培训和 技术 援助。
WHO has also received offers of further technical assistance from GOARN institutions .
世卫组织还收到了全球疫情警报和反应网络机构进一步提供 技术 援助的提议。
Provide technical assistance to the Qingdao Engineering Company based on Befesa guidelines and Chinese design codes and standards .
根据百菲萨的要求和中国设计编码和标准,为青岛工程部提供 技术 支持。
Offering technical assistance to States in their response to public health risks and emergencies of international concern ;
向应对公共卫生风险和国际关注的突发事件的缔约国提供 技术 援助;
This project has been able to quickly mobilize funds and technical assistance to address these priorities as they arise .
本项目能够迅速调动资金和 技术 援助,在这些事项出现时就对其加以处理。
Continuing programme of technical assistance in narcotics control ;
继续性的麻醉品管制 技术 协助方案;
Technical assistance and manufacturing agreement
技术 援助和制造协定
More countries are investing in agriculture while donors have pledged to increase funding and technical assistance .
越来越多的国家正投资于农业,而捐助方已承诺增加资金和 技术 援助。
National Committee for United Nations Technical Assistance recruitment ;
联合国 技术 援助人员征聘事宜国家委员会;
We have ready to supply all license equipment engineering service and technical assistance .
我们准备提供所有许可证、设备、工程服务和 技术 援助。
We may consider offering you technical assistance to help you develop new product .
我们可以考虑向你方提供 技术 援助,帮助你们开发新产品。
The delegation was convinced that technical assistance was crucial for all developing countries .
该代表团确信,对所有发展中国家而言, 技术 援助都是至关重要的。
WHO provides technical assistance supplies of drugs and equipment coordination among health partners and disease surveillance .
世卫组织提供 技术 援助、药品和设备物资,与卫生伙伴协调并开展疾病监测。
Study and Evaluation of Technical Assistance in Bangladesh
研究和评价对孟加拉国的 技术 援助
Be offered technical assistance and receive help in efforts to mobilize possible funding support to meet these new obligations ;
在动员可能的资金支持以履行以上新义务的活动中得到 技术 援助并接受帮助;
Overall there is a need for technical assistance agencies to better coordinate with each other and with donors .
总体来说, 技术 援助机构必须互相、并与捐助者进行最佳协调。
It also provides technical assistance to help countries disseminate information on investment opportunities .
它还提供旨在帮助国家传播投资机会信息的 技术 援助。
International Symposium of experts on technical assistance in the field of disability and technical cooperation among developing countries ;
残疾领域 技术 援助和发展中国家间技术合作国际专家专题讨论会;
They are offering merely technical assistance .
他们仅仅是在提供 技术 援助。
美[ˈtɛknɪkəl əˈsɪstəns]英[ˈteknikəl əˈsistəns]