Based on a recipe from the Vologda region the cheese which is slightly tangy and medium hard in yellow and white hues is usually inferior to imports and struggled to compete .
这种奶酪是根据沃洛格达地区的一种配方制作的,口味 浓烈、中等硬度、黄白相间,质量通常比不上进口产品,没什么竞争力。
Some flowers is tangy scent bright color like colourful season .
有的花是 香味 扑鼻,色泽鲜艳,就像艳季。
Research shows that phosphate which gives many soft drinks their tangy taste can accelerate ageing .
该研究发现称:研究表明,让很多软饮料拥有 浓烈味道的磷酸盐能加速衰老。
Succulent salmon covered in sweet luscious tangy fruits and baked in a pineapple shell .
多汁的三文鱼在菠萝中 煎烤,点缀 着酸甜,清爽, 回味无穷的水果。
The other was the slow-cooked lamb ribbons of meltingly soft leg meat placed next to a glittering relish of pomegranate and a tiny glass bottle filled with a tangy yogurt dressing .
另一道菜是小火慢炖的羊肉,一条条羊腿肉被烹得软糯无骨,搭配的小菜由亮晶晶的石榴籽做成,蘸 料则是盛在小玻璃杯里的 浓香酸奶。
A beguiling mix of peat smoke tangy lemon and lime pepper and cinnamon-spiced toffee .
揉合浓郁的煤烟、 清爽的柠檬和青柠、辛辣的胡椒和掺杂玉桂辛香的太妃糖 气味。
Palate : Flavours of tropical fruits with a fresh tangy bite .
口感:热带水果风味带出新鲜、 强烈 的 口感。
We love its thick creamy texture and tangy taste .
酸奶 有柔滑的质地, 浓郁的味道。
Artichokes smoked fish and other tangy delicacies .
朝鲜蓟、熏鱼以及其他 味道 浓烈的珍馐。
An off white to pale yellow free-flowing powder with tangy citrus taste .
米黄色自流动粉沫,带有 清香 扑鼻的柑橘味道。
There are many different kinds of things to taste like smooth chocolate candy bars sour lemons tangy oranges and salty popcorn .
世界上有许多各种各样的美食 值得我们去品尝,如滑滑的巧克力糖果棒,酸酸的柠檬, 酸溜溜的桔子还有甜甜的爆米花。
Rich in calcium and protein the tangy drink has probiotics that help with digestion and can soothe intestinal problems like irritable bowel syndrome .
这种 有 独特 风味的饮品含有益生菌,有助于消化,还可以缓解肠道问题,比如肠道易激综合症。
Most people prefer less bitter lettuce varieties over cabbage in salads but when combined with the sweeter tasting veggies in this recipe the cabbage adds a nice tangy flavor .
很多人比较喜欢用甜绿叶做沙拉。本沙拉食谱中的 圆白菜、 紫菜 苔 虽然 有一点苦,但是搭配其它甜的蔬菜味道却很好。
In the evenings I 'd start every meal with spring rolls wrapped in pieces of lettuce and cucumber and dipped in tangy ginger sauce .
晚上我会把莴苣和黄瓜同肉弄成一个个卷,浸泡在 浓姜汁中。