With the rapid development of wireless communication higher data transmission rate service such as telephone conference is an urgent need . Current communication system can not meet a requirement of higher data transmission rate .
随着无线通信产业的迅速发展,用户对 电话会议等更高传输速率数据业务的需求越来越迫切, 原有的通信系统已经难以满足这样高数据传输率的性能要求。
Interferometer-measuring instrument for telephone installations feeding current
电话装置干扰测量仪馈电 电流-电话装置的
The introduction of IP telephone network system begins from the system structure and key technologies and then the entire system design and the functional planning are provided with in-depth investigations and widely research on the current epidemic situation of dedicated voice compression processor chip .
本文从介绍IP 电话网络系统结构和系统中所用关键技术入手,通过对 目前流行的通用嵌入式处理器和专用语音压缩芯片进行了广泛深入的调查研究,给出了整个系统的设计方案和功能规划。
The issue of applying PKI to PSTN secure telephone system is proposed and the current PKI is improved . At the same time Light PKI and its supported tow parts including Small Group Principle and Active CRL Method are given .
提出了PKI运用于安全 电话系统中的问题,改进了 现行的PKI体制,提出了轻型PKI及相关的两个支撑方法,小团体原则和主动CRL方法;
Accomplished business telephone has these main parameters : input voltage is 5.10V electric current is560mA ;
设计完成的商务 电话机样机性能参数为:整机输入电压为5.10V,工作 电流约560mA;
The basic operation principle of telephone MODEM and current working way is discussed the interface methods of the single-chip computer terminal and MODEM .
论述了有线 电话MODEM的基本工作原理和 常用工作方式;
In recent years along with the increasing demand of rural users and tourists for satellite telephone the existed system has not been able to meet the current service needs .
近年来,随着农村用户以及游客对卫星 电话的需求增加,原有的卫星 电话系统规模已不能满足 当前的业务需要,对卫星 电话网络系统进行扩容势在必行。
Administrative supervision of this thesis to achieve the system using J2EE technology and B / S architecture the traditional telephone supervision inspection documents meetings etc. through the network supervision fit the current e-government the actual network office needs .
本论文实现的政务督查系统采用J2EE技术和B/S架构,将传统的 电话督查、文件督查、会议督查等方式通过网络实现,贴合 当前政府部门电子化、网络化办公的实际需要。
This study is done through a questionnaire telephone visits and other forms . We made a survey about the employment condition of the last three years and summarized and analyzed the reasons that causing the current situation .
本研究是通过问卷、 电话、走访等形式,对近三届毕业生的就业状况进行调查,对造成 目前这种状况的原因加以归纳和分析。
By the methods of questionnaire investigation telephone spot interview we analyzed the current situation of the social science edition of the 17 higher agricultural universities .
中国 目前共有17家高等农业院校社科学报,通过问卷调查、 电话 询问和实地考察所了解的情况来看,大部分农业院校社科学报办刊时间较短,缺乏办刊经验;
He published his book at an interesting time : 1992 as the world was reflecting on a century of innovation the telephone the car refrigeration television and before our current run of digitally inspired technology had really begun .
这 本书出版于1992年,这是一个有趣的时间,当时世人正在反思一个世纪以来的革新 电话、汽车、冰箱、电视而数码科技革命尚未真正起步。
If you need telephone support or just want to talk to a live person please contact us at one of the above addresses for the current hours of availability as they change often .
如果你需要 电话支持,或者只是想与一个真实的人沟通,请通过上边的地址和 当前有效的时间联系我们,因为他们经常变动。
美[ˈtɛləˌfon ˈkɚrənt]英[ˈtelifəun ˈkʌrənt]
[电] 电话电路