He says that as the popularity of taxidermy has grown its value has appreciated .
特纳称,随着 动物 标本的流行,它们的价值也开始上升。
Trading in taxidermy is yet another career reincarnation for Turner .
动物 标本 生意是特纳的又一个职业转变。
Taking an extracurricular class such as knitting dance or taxidermy forces you to be in a room full of strangers .
参加一个课外活动,比如编织、舞蹈、 标本 制作,这种课外活动就给你提供了一个 机会去 认识教室里所有的陌生人。
I started my taxidermy business when I was 22 and I struggled to earn a living for 12 years partly because of the cost of equipment .
我是22岁时开始我的 鱼 标本生意的,12年来,我一直难以谋生,部分原因在于设备成本太高。
I got to the point where I had to quit taxidermy .
我曾经到过不得不放弃 鱼 标本 事业 的 地步。
Now many artists - such as Polly Morgan who counts the model Kate Moss among her customers - use taxidermy in their work .
目前,很多艺术家将 动物 标本运用到他们的作品中,如波莉•摩根(PollyMorgan)&她的顾客包括名模凯特•摩斯(KateMoss)。
Taxidermy Began with the ancient custom of keeping trophies of the hunt . The capitalist system reposes on the exploitation of the labouring people .
动物 标本 剥 制 术其 应用可 追溯到古代保藏猎物的风俗。资本主义制度建立在剥削劳动人民的基础上。
In 1992 he launched an antiques business specialising in taxidermy .
在1992年,他开办了一个专营古董 动物 标本的生意。
My skills improved and I won the world championship for fish taxidermy in 2003 .
我的技能得到了改进,我在2003年获得了鱼 标本世界锦标赛冠军。
Not only that but youll probably even have enough time to organize your own event whether it be for taxidermy or building paper cup pyramids .
不仅如此, 参加 网上 学习的话,你还会有充足的时间来组织各种活动,无论是 制作 标本 也好,还是 纸杯 叠罗汉 也好,你都有时间去做。
The work entitled For the Love of God is a platinum cast of an 18th century human skull the artist bought from a taxidermy shop in Islington two years ago .
这件作品名为上帝之爱(FortheLoveofGod),是这位艺术家根据两年前从伊斯灵顿一个 标本商店购得的一个18世纪人类头骨,用铂金浇铸的 复制 品。