telephone bridge

[ˈtɛləˌfon brɪdʒ][ˈtelifəun bridʒ]

[电] 电话专用桥

  • Because of ENUM telephone numbers are not simple telecom resources any longer but a bridge connecting telecom network with Internet which will make great contributes for the development of new telecom services .

    ENUM使 电话号码不再是一种简单的电信资源,而是成为联系电信网络和互联网络的 纽带,它的出现将为新电信业务发展做出巨大贡献。

  • Analyzing the current certificate path construction methods consulting the thought of setting up about Bridge CA architecture and the mode of dividing area about the telephone system the text puts forward the Similar Bridge CA architecture .

    分析已有证书路径构造方案,借鉴桥CA体系结构的构建思想,参考 电话系统分区模式,提出了类 CA体系结构。

  • Tell crew the person 's position in the water or telephone the bridge immediately the number is03 .

    告诉船员落水人的位置或立即用 电话报告 驾驶台,电话号码是03。

  • First let 's decide if we want our center of interest to be the public telephone the bridge or the cactus .

    首先,让我们决定一下把谁作为图片的兴趣中心点,是公用 电话,是 ,抑或仙人掌?