terbium oxide

[ˈtɚbiəm ˈɑkˌsaɪd][ˈtə:biəm ˈɔksaid]


  • A Study on the Behaviors of Terbium (ⅳ) Oxide Hydrate in Various Acid Solution (ⅰ) & In HCI HNO_3 HClO_4 and HAc Solutions

    Tb(Ⅳ)水合 氧化物在不同酸中行为的研究(Ⅰ)&在HCl、HNO3、HClO4和HAc中的行为

  • Four kinds of terbium containing monomers were synthesized by the reaction of Tb isopropyl oxide with acrylic acid and β diketones . The composition and structure of these monomers were confirmed by FT IR UV spectroscopy and elemental analysis .

    通过 金属醇盐与丙烯酸、β二酮配体反应,合成了4种具有聚合活性的 配合 单体,通过元素分析红外光谱、紫外光谱,确定了它们的组成和结构。

  • Determination of Ultratrace amount of samarium europium terbium and dysprosium in uranium oxide by laser-induced fluorescence spectrometry

    激光荧光法测定八 氧化 铀中的痕量钐、铕、 和镝

  • Determination of Rare Earth Impurities in Terbium Oxide by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry ;

    本文研究了用等离子质谱法测定高纯 氧化 中十三个稀土杂质。

  • The UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy results reveal that anhydrous ethanol with coordination agents is the best mobile phase which is efficient for the fluorescence properties of terbium oxide organic colloids and cyclohexanone and ethyl acetate are found to be not suitable for this system ;

    UV-Vis和荧光光谱的测试表明:以含有修饰剂的无水乙醇作为流动相,可得到良好荧光性能的 氧化 乙醇溶胶,而环己酮与醋酸乙酯均不适合作为该体系的流动相;

  • Surface Modification and Fluorescence Properties of Terbium Oxide Clusters

    氧化 团簇的表面修饰及对其荧光特性影响的研究