


  • Study on the Interaction of Tetrabromofluorescein and DNA


  • The interaction of tetrabromofluorescein ( TBF ) and DNA was studied by the fluorescence and SS - RTP .

    用荧光光谱和 磷光 光谱 研究了 荧光素(TBF)与DNA的相互作用。

  • In the Britton-Robinson buffer solutions of pH 2.35 effective energy transfer could occur between tetrabromofluorescein ( TBF ) and neutral red ( NR ) due to static attraction . The fluorescence intensity of TBF was reduced and that of NR was increased at the same time .

    在pH2.35的B-R缓冲溶液中, 酸性 染料 荧光素(TBF)与 碱性 染料中性红(NR)之间由于静电吸引能够发生有效的能量转移,使能量 受体NR荧光增强,能量给 TBF的荧光猝灭。