He was in a particularly tetchy mood yesterday .
昨天他 脾气特别 不好。
Becareful what you say to anna & she 's in a rather tetchy mood .
小心你跟安娜说的话,她今天情绪相当 不 好。
A tetchy person mood remark
At a time of intense debate in Beijing on how to take advantage of its rising influence Chinese relations with a number of countries have become more tetchy .
就如何更好地利用日益上升的影响力,中国的 决策 层 内部 正在 发生激烈的争论,而与此同时,中国与一些国家的关系已变得更为 紧张。
You always get tetchy when you 're hungry
你一饿的 时候 火气 就 大。
You 're very tetchy today & has something upset you ?
你今天 脾气很 不 好,有什么事使你心烦吗?
A tetchy person mood remark He criticized his deputy as a hotheaded youth .
She can be a bit tetchy but her bark is worse than her bite .
她 脾气可能有点 暴躁,但她是刀子 嘴, 豆腐心。
But relations between America and Britain in Afghanistan have been tetchy .
但美英在阿富汗的关系 说 变 就 变。
She started to get distinctly tetchy .
她开始变得明显地 爱 发 脾气。