term draft

[tɚm dræft][tə:m drɑ:ft]

[经] 远期汇票

  • The term foot artillery applies because the gunners walk into battle alongside the draft animals .

    这种炮被 为步兵榴弹炮是因为 炮手们和拉炮的马一起步行前往战场。

  • In the United States the term generally refers to a draft or cheque drawn by a bank on itself or on funds deposited with another bank .

    在美国,该 术语通常指由银行自身或者从其他银行兑付的 汇票或支票。

  • They agree to the term verbally and then start to draft the contract .

    他们口头上同意了 条件,然后 起草合同。