terminal arborization

[ˈtɚmənəl ˌɑrbərɪˈzeʃən][ˈtə:minəl ˌɑ:bəraiˈzeiʃən]


  • Labeled cells were consistently found in region ⅹ which was also the area of dense labeling of terminal arborization suggesting that this region plays a remarkable role in intersegmental connection .

    Ⅹ区标记细胞恒定,标记 也较密集,提示该区在脊髓节段间的联系方面起着一定的作用。

  • The close approximation of labeled terminal arborization and labeled cells signifies direct intersegmental feedback circuit .

    标记细胞旁有标记 说明脊髓节段间有着反馈联系。

  • In lumbar injection cases a prominent plexus of labeled terminal arborization could be seen in the ventrolateral part of the C_5 ventral horn . Corresponding plexus was not found in the lumbar cord in cervical injection cases .

    L注射例在C5腹角的腹外侧可见到明显的丛 ,而于C注射例在L5则未见到此 特殊 结构