term insurance

[tɚm ɪnˈʃʊrəns][tə:m inˈʃuərəns]


  • In the chapter 3 of basic model we assume that the decision-maker only purchase term life insurance in the simple financial environment where the sole financial asset is saving .

    其中,第3章是一个基础模型。在这一章,我们假设决策者仅仅购买纯粹消费性的 人寿 保险,而金融资产中也仅有无风险的储蓄。

  • Limit distribution of a homogeneous portfolio of n year term life insurance is discussed .

    讨论了n年 寿险的总体索赔量的极限分布。

  • However this choice will probably lead to less expense on term life insurance . Once he dies his family will obtain less payment from insurance company .

    但是这可能会影响到纯消性 保费的支出过小,一旦死亡, 保险金会比较少。

  • The Effect Analysis of The Variation of Interest Rate on Term Insurance 's Pure Premium

    利率变动对 定期 寿险均衡纯保费的影响分析

  • It is also important for you to bear in mind that the cost of term insurance increases after middle age .

    这也是很重要的,你要记住,增加 保险费用后中年

  • Research on Policy Reserve Calculating Methods for Long Term Health Insurance

    长期健康 保险保单准备金计算方法研究

  • After making the decisions on consumption and term life insurance premium the wealth left will be used to invest in the three financial assets : savings investment life insurance and stock .

    在支付了纯消费性 保费、消费后,剩余财富就可以用来增值,但在财富增值方式上,决策者目前面临三种选择:储蓄,投资型 寿险、有价证券。

  • Step two : having the government employers and employees involved in a combination of social basic long term care insurance and supplementary commercial long term care insurance that strengthens one another ;

    第二步,由国家、企业、个人共同参与的社会基本 长期护理 保险和商业长期护理保险相结合,商业长期护理保险作为补充保险的模式;

  • A business rules example : term life insurance

    一个业务规则示例: 定期 寿险

  • The results from the statistical models strongly suggest a direct connection between Internet usage and the total decline in prices of term life insurance policies over this time period .

    统计模型得出的结果表明,在互联网使用率和同一时间段 定期 寿险的价格下跌之间有直接的联系。

  • Long Term Care Insurance

    长期护理 保险研究

  • As if choosing an insurance quote out of hundreds or thousands available was not hard enough there are several more migraines involved once you purchased long term disability insurance .

    如选择保险引述出数百或数千可用的是,并不难还不够,有几个更多的偏头痛所涉及的,一旦您购买的 长期伤残 保险

  • Thus in order to study the demand for investment life insurance we need to take both term life insurance and securities invest into consideration .

    如此以来,要研究投资型寿险需求,就需要将传统 定期死亡 保险和证券投资的需求问题结合起来考虑才能确定。

  • Realtime model for bankruptcy procedure in term life insurance and computation of bankruptcy probability

    实时 定期人寿 保险的破产模型及破产概率的计算

  • Term policy provides insurance against the death of a person during a specific period .

    期限的保险单只对在一段特定的时间内被 保险人死亡 承保

  • The new business statistics showed that the long term insurance business grew strongly .

    新造业务统计数字显示, 长期 保险业务强劲增长。

  • By the beginning of this century Japan and Korea also launched social long term care insurance system .

    我们的邻国日本和韩国也于本世纪相继推出了社会性的 长期护理 保险制度。

  • If you pay for your term insurance with automatic debit you may be able to get a discount .

    如果你对你 来说 保险支付自动扣,你可以得到折扣。

  • Under CIF term insurance usually covers all risks and war risk as per the China Insurance Clauses please confirm this urgently .

    在CIF 术语保险通常是按照中国保险条例投保一切险和战争险。

  • In the case of fob or ex - work term Insurance be to be effect by the buyer after loading .

    在FOB或工厂交货 条件下,货物装运后由买方负责 投保

  • Marine liability insurance which belongs to marine insurance and is a part of liability insurance is a general term of insurance which subject-matter insured is limited marine liability .

    海上责任保险是以海上责任为保险标的的 保险 总称,既属于海上保险范畴,也是责任保险之一部分。

  • Secondly it is analyzed why that the development of long term care insurance in various countries is necessary and what results have happened .

    其次,分析了各国发展 长期护理 保险发展的必要性以及发展该险种取得的成果。

  • Sample rules are chosen from our term insurance example .

    样例规则选自我们的 定期 寿险示例。

  • By the theory of stochastic optimal control and actuarial theory the paper studies the investment strategy for the life insurance premium based on the semi-continuous term life insurance mode and power law utility function .

    应用随机优化控制理论和保险精算理论,对寿险公司保费投资的最优策略进行研究,得到了基于半连续 定期 寿险模型和幂函数效用函数的最优投资策略。

  • On Concept Definition of Long - term Care Insurance

    长期护理 保险的概念界定

  • Let 's consider the case of business rules related to term life insurance .

    我们来考虑与 定期 寿险相关的业务规则。

  • The simplest form of life insurance is called term insurance .

    最简单的寿险保单形式叫做 定期人寿 保险

  • Term insurance of life insurance embody its risk guarantee function meeting the insurance needs of consumers in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region . They have core value in the coverage of life insurance .

    人寿 保险 业务中的风险保障型业务最能够体现其 保险保障功能,在人寿保险业务中具有核心价值,符合内蒙古自治区保险消费者现阶段的保险需求。

  • For some yearly renewable term insurance you just need to pay once a year .

    对于那些可以几年更新的 保险,你 每年付一次钱就可以了。