terminal architecture

[ˈtɚmənəl ˈɑrkɪˌtɛktʃɚ][ˈtə:minəl ˈɑ:kitektʃə]

[计] 终端体系结构

  • By focusing on the self-management requirements of self-organizing terminal the paper gives an autonomic management architecture for terminal describes function of each model in the architecture and gives closed-loop process and spiral model for autonomic management of terminal .

    根据具备自组织特性的 终端 设备的自主管理需求,提出了终端的自主管理 架构。分析架构中各管理模块的功能,给出终端自主管理的闭环流程及螺旋模型。

  • Study of Smart Terminal Architecture Used for Real-time Processing of Soil and Water Conservation Information

    水土保持信息实时处理系统智能 终端 架构研究

  • At present the existing self-service terminal station system adopts the Client / Server ( C / S ) architecture which is the server adopts the integrated frontier and the intermediate business platform . The client runs programmes developed by all kinds of corperations .

    目前,现有的银行自助系统采用客户机/服务器(C/S) 体系 结构,服务端采用综合前置和中间业务平台应用系统,客户端程序由各自助 终端厂商自行实现。

  • Also it proposes a trust domain based terminal architecture ( TDBTA ) to meet the remote attestation of terminal systems .

    同时提出了基于该模型以及可信计算思想设计的 体系 结构(TrustDomaiBasedTerminalArchitecture, TDBTA),以满足远程证实终端系统可信的需要。

  • First it introduces operating principle of the server layer and the terminal layer detailedly describes the specific functions of the two layers . According to the functional requirements it proposes the software architecture of the server layer and the terminal layer .

    首先介绍了服务器层和 终端层的工作原理,详细描述了两者要完成的具体功能,根据两者的功能需求,提出了服务器层和终端层的软件 结构

  • Although user terminal may have more than one antenna only one antenna can be used to transmit uplink signal considering PA constraints while multiple antennas are used for downlink reception . In other words uplink is a SIMO architecture .

    虽然用户 终端有多根天线,但考虑到功放限制,这多根天线只能接收信号,进行上行链路传输时,只采用其中一根天线发射信号,即上行是单发多收( SIMO)系统。

  • Known as Terminal Three the new wing is designed to set a new standard in airport architecture .

    这一新的航站楼名为“ T3 航站 ”,为机场 建设设立了新的标准。

  • This paper presents the salient features of Asynchronous Transfer Mode ( ATM ) ( cell transmission technique switching technique terminal technique ) and the BISDN network architecture based on ATM and introduces the application of ATM technique in INFOPORT Engineering .

    论述了异步传送模式ATM的特征(信元、传送技术、交换技术、 终端技术)以及基于ATM的宽带综合业务数字网BISDN的 体系 结构.详细介绍了ATM技术在信息港工程中的应用。

  • Terminal design discusses the architecture of H.323 terminal and the call flow .

    终端软件设计讨论了H.323终端的 架构和呼叫流程。

  • This paper carried out a design of the interactive terminal and design the hardware and software architecture of the terminal .

    提出了互动 终端设计方案,对终端的硬件结构和软件 构架进行设计。

  • CORTEX monitor terminal is an integrated command Ranging and Telemetry system which based on PC architecture and Windows NT operating system .

    CORTEX测控 终端是基于PC 结构、WINDOWSnt操作系统,具有卫星数据遥测、遥控,卫星测距和模拟、测量等功能的遥测遥控集成处理系统。

  • The monitoring platform management terminal and the SMS platform management platform are based on B / S ( browser / server ) structure and adopt J2EE for architecture .

    监控平台管理 和短信平台管理端以B/S(浏览器/服务器)结构为基础,采用J2EE技术 架构而成。

  • The main research work is in the following areas : ① Based on the network terminal with embedded systems containing more new features such as hardware support proposed a new architecture for embedded Linux based on network terminal with a hierarchical method .

    主要的研究工作体现在以下几个方面:①根据网络 终端比其它嵌入式系统具有更多、更强的硬件支持等新特点,按照层次化的方法提出一种新的基于网络终端的嵌入式Linux 体系 结构

  • The horizontal interface model between the IPTV terminal and the three networks is a solution to architecture of the standard interface model at the current phase of service integration .

    采用IPTV 终端与三网的横向接口模型,可以解决目前在业务整合阶段标准化接口模型 架构的问题;

  • The system is developed in accordance to Microsoft windows 2003 Platform with advanced network programming technology . The server terminal of the network applies VBscript-based asp service architecture while the browser terminal applies JavaScript and ActiveX technology .

    本系统在Microsoftwindows2003操作系统平台下开发,运用了基于先进的网络编程技术,服务器 使用基于VBscript语言的asp作为服务器的服务 框架,在浏览器端使用Javascript和ActiveX控件技术。

  • Terminal Management System Architecture and Service Flows in the Next Generation Network

    下一代网络 终端管理系统 体系 结构及流程实现

  • On the basic of the existing multimedia digital terminal unit and embedded technologies we introduce a new software and hardware architecture of multimedia digital terminal .

    本文在分析了现有的多媒体数字 终端设备和嵌入式技术的基础上,提出了多媒体数字终端的硬、软件 体系 结构

  • The dissertation content and contribution are described as follows : Considering the requirements of cooperative transmission of networks and terminal in heterogeneous networks this dissertation discusses resource control architecture in heterogeneous convergent network .

    其中,本文的研究内容及贡献如下:针对异构无线网络中网络及 终端协同传输需求,本文讨论了异构融合网络资源管控 架构

  • This paper introduces the technology of Windows 2000 Terminal Services and network architecture of WBT and discusses the methods to establish an efficient and useful Windows 2000 Terminal .

    本文介绍了Windows2000 终端技术原理和Windows2000 终端网络 架构,并论述了建立高效实用Windows2000终端的方法。

  • Last September8th the terminal building which is the landmark architecture of Hefei Xinqiao International Airport had just begun construction and was shaped in the image of a tropical fish .

    去年9月8日,新桥机场标志性核心 建筑、外形酷似一条“热带鱼”的 航站楼破土动工。

  • This article presents the Magic WAND project ( an international project of designing BRAN ) and wireless ATM terminal 's architecture that has been developed for Magic WAND pro_ject the implementing scheme for it 's software parts are also introduced .

    介绍了Magicwand项目(设计BRAN的国际性的研究项目)和为Magicwand项目开发的无线ATM 终端 结构及其软件部分实现的方案。

  • The hardware designation plan of wireless IP phone terminal was firstly presented and then the program architecture was also shown after analyzing SIP and oSIP stack .

    首先给出了无线IP电话 终端的硬件设计方案,在分析了SIP和oSIP协议栈之后,给出了IP电话终端的程序 设计 框架

  • It is described in this paper about an infrared imaging terminal guidance processor of the performance scheme and architecture .

    本文介绍了红外成像 制导处理机的设计要求及 设计方法。

  • Modeling and Simulation of Container Terminal Logistics System Based on Harvard Architecture

    基于哈佛 体系 结构的集装箱 码头物流系统建模仿真研究

  • CISCO systems is presented based on the overall chart and the terminal software architecture and design process introduced the system of communication processes .

    给出了基于CISCO的系统的总体架构图,以及 终端软件的 结构和设计过程,介绍了系统的通信流程。

  • The topic is anterior research of the 863 Project wearable network dedicated terminal architecture and key technology research .

    本文课题是移动计算中心承担的863项目专用可穿戴网络 终端 体系 结构及关键技术研究的部分研究工作。

  • This paper introduces a kind of video terminal based on real-time multiprocessing operating system kernel . It mainly focuses on system architecture and key methods to program on real-time multiprocessing operating system .

    介绍一种基于实时多处理器操作系统内核的视频 终端设计,其中主要介绍了 终端的系统 结构和基于实时多处理器操作系统内核下本系统的关键编程技术。