


  • In a sense wettability surface tensity and other physical parameters are some of the key factors for the material manufacture in outer space .

    从某种意义上讲,润湿性、表面 张力等物理参数是影响空间材料制备能否成功的关键问题之一。

  • These was the tensity of fierceness in the man 's plea .

    这个家伙的哀求 坚执而又猛烈。

  • It by has the artistic tensity extremely the performance way to the view transmission accurate emotion is also creates in one kind of vision using the play stage expression means and the idea the static impression .

    它以极具艺术 张力的表现方式向观者传达着准确的情感,也就是利用戏剧舞台的表现手法和观念创造出一种视觉上的静态印象。

  • As she rocked to and fro she felt the tensity of woe in abandonment the magnificence of wrath after deception the languor of sorrow after defeat .

    她坐在摇椅里摇晃着,一会儿感到被 情人抛弃的深切痛苦,一会儿感到上当受骗后的怒火中烧,一会儿感到失败后的 心灰意懒和悲伤。

  • Each kind of emotion tensity control the role disposition the plot rhythm arrangement can affect the movie the effect the skill may not count .

    每一种情感 张力的控制、角色性格、情节节奏的安排都会影响电影的效果,技巧是不可计数的。

  • Auto transfer of full and empty bobbins is realized the labor tensity and roving damage by man are reduced and the roving quality can be improved .

    实现了粗纱满空管的自动输送,减轻了挡车工劳动 强度,减少了人为因素对粗纱的损伤,提高了粗纱质量。

  • This method can be applied instead of appearance detection to examine the internal quality of yarn cakes more completely and decrease the labor tensity and production cost .

    其检测结果可取代外观检验,更全面的反映丝饼的内在质量,降低了劳动 强度和生产成本。

  • Different parts of the course content which use and promote one another mutually organically link up to form a whole thus enabling the course content to have the intrinsic tensity and obtaining the dynamic life conditions .

    教学内容的各个部分有机衔接形成一个整体,各自相互利用和促进,从而使教学内容具有内在 张力,获得动态化的生命状态。

  • Power resource was made a full use and power consumption was reduction for power supply tensity .

    为解决供电 紧张 高效利用 现有的电力资源,减少电力损耗。

  • The results showed that positive family history of psychosis and psychosomatic disease somatopathy history introverted personality negative life events tensity of mental and interpersonal relationship were increased significantly in the patients .

    结果显示,病例组阳性神经症家族史、心身疾病家族史、病前躯体疾病史、内向性格、负性生活事件、精神和人际关系 紧张因素显著高于对照组。

  • Methods Recording of the uteruses smooth muscles tensity and Western blot were used .

    方法采用离体大鼠子宫肌 张力记录法和westernblot方法。

  • It sounds euphemism and drive tensity .

    它琴声委婉,驱赶 浮躁

  • To understand the motion types of the gastrointestinal tract through observation on the intestinal peristalsis and segmentation contraction and feeling the stomach tensity by touch .

    观察小肠的蠕动和分节运动,触摸胃感觉其 紧张 ,理解胃肠运动的形式。

  • Finally the stress analysis offers theoretic foundation and reference for tensity disposal and stability design of saw blade .

    应力分析为 基体 处理和稳定性设计提供理论依据和参考。

  • Buffer of the link is established in each working process respectively under the overall consideration of tensity of resources and complexity of project . So critical chain and the non-critical chain obtain the moderate buffer sizes and the finish rate of the entire project is ensured .

    在综合考虑资源 紧张 和项目复杂度的情况下,对各个工序所在的链路分别设置缓冲区,得到较适中的关键链和非关键链缓冲大小,使得整个项目的完工率得到保证。

  • Results show that the sensor output signal in ˉ tensity is basically linear to the acoustic power which prompts us to detect ultrasound using optic fiber gratings sensors provides a new method for noninvasive detection of ultrasound in body .

    结果表明传感器输出信号 强度与声功率表现了基本的线性性,提示可以利用光纤光栅检测超声,为体内超声场的无创测量提供了新的工具。

  • In open field test the exploratory activity and spatial cognitive activity of them reduced but the excitability and tensity increased ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

    旷场分析实验中 后牙 拔除组大 对新环境的适应性和空间认知能力 于对照组,而兴奋性和 紧张 要高于对照组(P<0.05)。

  • Now as he spoke his voice trembled with that peculiar vibration which is the result of tensity .

    他说话时,由于 紧张的缘故,声音里带着一种特别的颤抖和振动。

  • RESULTS Thrombus in portal vein had a signal in - tensity similar to that of the main tumors .

    结果门静脉瘤栓的信号 强度和肿瘤一致。

  • To drove the start mark produced to carry on the detailed elaboration and according to the above proposed the tensity compensated with the weft density compensates two kinds of quite practical solutions might distinct improvement drive the mark question in the actual debugging process .

    对开车痕产生的原因进行了详细的阐述,并据此提出了 张力补偿和纬密补偿两种比较实用的解决方案,在实际调试的过程中可以明显的改善开车痕问题,达到了设计要求。

  • This article attempts from the historical logic advancement to have the implication of the intrinsic tensity to understand the history and the explanation existence by its discovery history and the historical existence movement rule the multi-dimensions will seek the existence field of vision in the future .

    从历史逻辑进程中存在意蕴的内在 张力去理解历史和阐释存在,以其发现历史和历史存在的运行规律,多维度的探求未来视野中的存在。

  • More work about driver 's psychological tensity under complex traffic environment can be done by using this method .

    利用该方法可以进一步研究复杂交通环境下的驾驶员心理 紧张 问题。

  • The hectic tensity and misery of these hours !

    过去那些时候无比的 紧张 惨痛

  • Via the investigation state of shadowboxing exercises and the emotion tensity of college students the article analyses the main factors in order to ground a good basis for the population of shadowboxing .

    通过对练习太极拳及太极拳比赛的大学生的情绪 紧张 进行调查统计,并对主要影响因素进行分析论述,为提高和普及太极拳项目打下良好的基础。

  • In this study the changes of athletes ' state anxiety before competition have been tested using the competition state anxiety ( CSAI-2 ) scale developed by R. Martens . This scale is composed of three factors including cognitive anxiety physical tensity and self-confidence .

    本研究采用马丁斯(R.Martens)研制的由认知焦虑、身体 紧张、自信3个因子构成的竞技状态焦虑(CSAI&2)量表,测试了运动员赛前状态焦虑的变化过程。

  • The worsening environmental problems caused the situation tensity international conflict and brushfire battles brought great harm to the peace and security for the nation region and world which drugged the international relationship and challenge the dominion .

    严重恶化的环境问题引起国际局势 紧张、引发国际冲突,甚至导致局部战争,危及有关国家、地区乃至世界的和平与安全,是对国际关系的毒化和对主权的挑战。

  • The doubt and suspicion which had been growing in tensity melted away as we threw our energies into the hunt .

    那种日益加剧的疑虑马上 烟消云散,我们把全副精力投入了追踪。

  • Strange animation role vision image and animation image performance exaggeration distortion visual esthetic tensity ;

    离奇的动画角色视觉形象和动画意象,表现夸张、变形的视觉审美 张力

  • Thus some kind of intrinsic tensity is constituted between the unified request of the public life rules and the diversity of the individual life .

    这样,公共生活规则的统一性要求与个体生活多样性之间就构成了某种内在的 张力,从而使得公共生活 道德 重要性日益 凸显 出来,公共生活 道德 建设成为 当务之急