text component

[tɛkst kəmˈponənt][tekst kəmˈpəunənt]

[计] 正文分量

  • The Field component combines label text input and message functionality into one component .

    Field组件把标签、 文本输入和消息功能组合到一个 组件

  • Keep in mind that although the request is sent on each keystroke the argument sent is the entire content of the input text component .

    记住,虽然对于每次按键都会发送请求,但是发送的参数是input text 组件的整个内容。

  • The final point to note is that you have also changed the fields used in the text attribute of your repeated mx : Text component .

    最后需要注意的一点是,您还更改了重复的 mx:Text 组件的文本属性中的字段。

  • A text string of the name of the component that submitted this message to the queue .

    将此邮件提交到队列的 组件名称的 文本字符串。

  • The selected text in the edit component of the combo box .

    组合框编辑 组件中的选定 文本

  • This text has at first drawn the concept of the component software by the defects of the traditional way of software development .

    首先由传统的软件开发方式的缺陷引出 构件 软件的概念。

  • This text introduces the component from the several aspects such as suitable scope structure characteristics and construction method .

    本文从它的适用范围、结构特点及施工方法等几方面对该 构件进行了阐述。

  • To search annotation text in a particular component type or across all components use the Advanced search .

    如果您想要在一个特定的 构件类型或者在所有的构件类型之间搜索注释的 文本,那么您可以使用高级搜索。

  • This text has discussed the function of every component part of pharmaceutical of rust removal and impacting on pharmaceutical performance of rust removal have given out its preparation method .

    讨论了 除锈各组 的作用以及对除锈剂性能的影响,给出新型多功能除锈剂的制备方法。

  • As text is the main component of the web information text mining becomes a hot research field .

    文本作为web上信息的主要 形式,文本挖掘近年来成为研究的热点。

  • In this text the component and the unaccountable reason of the fire accidental responsibility is careful analyzed the main body that have rights or responsibilities of this compensation relationship in law is also defined clearly .

    本文还分析了火灾事故责任的 构成 要件和抗辩事由,进一步明确了火灾事故损害赔偿法律关系的权利义务主体。

  • Represents a specialized or rare component . Type text to identify component .

    表示特殊的或少见的组件。输入 文本来标识 组件

  • The selected box has more text than can be saved for this component of your personal information . Reduce the amount of text and then try saving again .

    所选框中的 文字要比可为此个人信息 组件保存的文字多。请减少文字量,然后再重新保存。

  • This paper holds that as an individual pragmatic unit with communication values a text 's meaning must consist of at least three major component parts-thematic meaning topic meaning and stylistic meaning .

    作为具有交际价值的个体语用单位,其意义至少应含三种主要 成分&主题意义,话题意义和文体风格意义。

  • Development of HTML Parser Based on JFC / Swing Text Component

    基于JFC/Swing 文本 组件开发HTML语法分析器

  • After you have developed and successfully tested an analysis engine you can package it to be deployed to another application as a pre-configured ( text ) analysis component .

    开发并成功测试了分析引擎之后,您可以打包它并将其作为预配置( 文本)分析 组件部署到另一个应用程序中。

  • An Annotator is the basic text analysis component .

    标注器是基本的 文本分析 组件

  • In this text it mainly studies an important component to creative thinking of aesthetic education of the music & imagine the influence of strength inspiration ( insight ) and intuition thinking development .

    本文主要研究的是音乐美育对创造性思维的重要 组成 部分&想像力、灵感(顿悟)、直觉思维发展的影响。

  • Add a Text Component thumbnail_url ( the photo document â™ s thumbnail URL ) to this content .

    在内容中添加 文本 组件thumbnailurl(照片文档的缩略图URL)。

  • The edition of literary works for Literature textbook should be done by strengthening the editorial classic and inheriting essence ; interacting between selected spots and entire area and combining the extensive and refined text complete with pictures and component of content cultural differences and reading by comparison .

    文学教材中文学作品的编选应做到:强化经典,传承精髓;点面互动,精泛结合; 图文并茂,内容 ;文化差异,对比阅读。

  • Rational Manual Tester offers many technologies commonly available in rich text editors along with simple drag-and-drop test component creation capability .

    RationalManualTester提供了许多通常在rich text编辑器中可用的技术,这些与简单的拖拽测试 构件创建能力是一起的。

  • Speech Recognition change speech data into text sequence it is the main component of human-computer interaction .

    语音识别将语音数据转换成 文本序列,是人机语音交互的主要 组成 部分

  • Chapter of variation is the structural changes of the literary language in the novel text variation is an important component of personalized novels the novel presents a different kind of color .

    篇章变异是小说 文本中文学语言变异的结构性变化,是小说文本个性化的重要 构成 部分,使小说呈现别样的色彩。

  • First the improved Canny algorithm is used to detect the text edge then connected component and text region identifying and combination is used to get the candidate text region .

    首先运用改进的Canny边缘检测算法检测出 文本边缘,然后对检测结果进行 连通区域 分析、文本区域鉴定与合并得到候选的文本区域。

  • Text segmentation in color images based on tensor voting and component labeling method

    基于张量投票和 成份标注的彩色 文本的分割

  • In order to improve the services communication companies often receive customer feedback ( opinions or advice ) about their mobile service in the form of text message . The classification of information is an important component of information processing .

    通讯公司为了改善自己的服务,常常会收到客户对移动服务以 短信形式回馈回来的意见或者建议,而信息的分类是信息处理的重要 组成 部分

  • The text adopts multivariate statistical principal component analysis to evaluate on soil fertility 's rank taking example for 17 soil fertility 's factors of 11 counties ( cities ) in Sanming Fujian tobacco areas .

    福建 三明烟区11个县(市)的17个土壤肥力因子为例,采用多元统计的主 成分分析法对土壤肥力等级进行综合地评价,为烟区科学合理的施肥提供依据。

  • A script interface for the text mesh component .

    用于 文本网格 组件的一个脚本接口。

  • Shut down text search component ( if any )

    关闭 文本搜索 组件(若存在)