textual syntax

[ˈtɛkstʃuəl ˈsɪnˌtæks][ˈtekstʃuəl ˈsɪnˌtæks]

[计] 正文语法

  • Cohesion as an important category in contrastive textual linguistics mutual-infiltrates and influences with so many related subjects as stylistics translation studies aesthetics syntax and pragmatics etc.

    而衔接手段作为 对比的一个重要范畴与许多相关学科相互渗透、相互影响,诸如文体学、翻译学、美学、 法学和语用学等。

  • This is not a textual search it actually strips out variable names and constants and performs comparisons against the syntax tree .

    这并非只是 简单 文本搜索,它实际上会提取出变量名和常量名,然后根据 语法树进行比较。

  • In the next three chapters from the viewpoints of textual rules vocabulary syntax and rhetoric using the relevant research methods of modern stylistic analyses the different stylistic characteristics of Sutra-pitaka Vinaya-pitaka and Abhidharma-Pitika according to their selected corpus .

    第四、五、六章借鉴现代文体学的研究方法,分别从章法、词汇、 句法、修辞角度对 经藏、律藏、论藏所选语料进行分析,力图揭示出三藏不同的文体特征。

  • Computing languages are more natural and efficient to most of us based on a textual syntax .

    基于 文本 语法的计算指令对于我们大多数人来说会更加自然和高效。

  • We are fully compatible with Xtext ( a tool that provides you a textual syntax for your domain model ) and EEF ( a tool that provides you a form representation for your domain model ) .

    我们的产品完全能够兼容Xtext(一种为你的域模型提供 文本 语法的工具)和EEF(一种为你的域模型提供表单呈现的工具)。