text boundaries


  • Through deep study on the structure of the work we can find that Divine Comedy is a unique text that integrates the merits of epic 、 tragedy 、 comedy and myth beyond stylistic boundaries . It is also a work of pluralism and harmonious in style .

    通过对作品结构深入的考察可以发现,《神曲》是一个吸纳史诗、悲剧、喜剧与神话优点,跨越文体 界限、多元化、具有庄谐体特点的独特 文本

  • Therefore text parsing in these languages requires the identification of word boundaries which can be a very difficult task .

    因此,这些语言中的 文本解析需要标识单词的 分界,而这是一项十分困难的工作。

  • Fast text categorization approach based on similarities between text boundaries

    基于 边界可信度相似的快速 文本分类方法

  • Padding is used for spacing between text in the cell and the boundaries of the cell .

    填充用于设置单元格中 文本间的间隔以及单元格的 边界

  • The text for this assignment should be equivalent to about two pages and must be accompanied by a map of the location with the boundaries of your site indicated .

    本项作业的 长度应大约相当于两页纸,并必须附有标有基地 范围的地图。

  • Click advanced and then click the show text boundaries check box under show document content .

    单击“高级”,然后单击“显示文档内容”中的“显示 正文 边框”复选框。

  • In alphabetical writing system such as Uighur which have word boundaries written Chinese text word boundaries are not marked .

    由于汉语 文本不存在明显的词 边界标记,而以字母书写为主体的维吾尔语文本是以词为单元的自然间隔方式呈现的。

  • For the former this paper uses a rule-based method to detect text sentence boundaries ; the experimental data indicates the correct rate is nearly 100 % .

    对于前者,本文采用了基于规则的方法对 文本进行 切分,实验数据表明切分正确率接近100%。

  • The legal text clearly defined the boundaries and principles of village autonomy and governance rights . Nevertheless the scenes of real life is much more complicated than what have imagined .

    法律 文本中明确规定着村社自治权与政府治理权的 界限和原则,但现实生活的场景远比我们想象的生动丰富。