text compression

[tɛkst kəmˈprɛʃən][tekst kəmˈpreʃən]


  • The Method of Creating Text Compression Model Based on Adjacency Matrix Full-text Index

    基于邻接矩阵全文索引模型的 文本 压缩技术

  • Text compression based on inter-relevant successive trees

    基于互关联后继树的 文本 压缩

  • Chinese text compression has got little attention but its importance as one supporting technique for many computer applications is beyond any doubt .

    汉语 文本 压缩至今很少受到重视,然而,作为许多计算机应用系统的支撑技术,其重要性毋庸置疑。

  • This group of XML compressors is XML-blind that is they treat XML documents as usual plain text documents and thus apply the traditional text compression techniques .

    这种XML压缩器是与XML无关的,也就是说,它们将XML文档用作普通的纯文本文件,因此采用的是传统的 文本 压缩技术。

  • For example XSeq is a grammar-based queriable XML compression scheme which is considered an adaptation of the famous grammar-based text strings compression algorithm Sequitur .

    例如,XSeq是基于语法的可查询XML压缩方案,它采用了著名的基于语法的 文本压缩算法Sequitur。

  • This is of great importance to make more efficient keyboard layouts design the Uighur text compression methods and can be used as the supplement material for the language and literature courses .

    这对今后语言文字研究和制定科学的维吾尔文字输入键盘布局方案、维吾尔 文字 压缩算法的设计、语文类课程内容的补充等众多方面有着非常重要的参考价值。

  • Research on Text Compression Based on Dynamic Dictionary

    基于动态词典的 文本 压缩研究

  • An Adaptive Algorithm of Chinese Text Compression

    中文 文本 压缩的自适应算法

  • A fault-tolerance decoding algorithm for text compression

    一种用于 文本 压缩的信源容错译码算法

  • Models based on alignment or based on text compression are all relative character analysis models .

    比对模型及基于 信息 压缩的比较模型都属于相对特征分析模型。

  • LZ algorithm is widely used in text compression .

    LZ算法在 文本 压缩领域应用广泛。

  • Investigations for Hanzi ( chinese character ) text compression

    汉字 文本 压缩的研究

  • At present some ordinary text compression algorithms already quite were mature However these algorithms have not considered XML the GML structure characteristic ;

    目前,一些普通的 文本 压缩算法已经比较成熟,然而这些算法没有考虑XML、GML的结构特色;

  • Currently text compression is a promising technology and it is the core technology of the sentence compression . It makes sense to study sentence compression .

    目前 文本 压缩是一门很有前景的技术,句子压缩又是 文本压缩的核心部分,因此研究句子压缩是很有意义的。

  • This paper addressed the construction of a dynamic alphabet order 0 model of Chinese text for arithmetic coding and provided an algorithm of Chinese text compression .

    本文探讨汉语 文本的0阶统计模型的构造方法,提出了一个卓有成效的汉语 文本 压缩算法。

  • Large-alphabet Chinese text compression using adaptive Markov model and arithmetic coder .

    使用调适马可夫模型与算术编码之大字符集中文 文本资料 压缩

  • String comparison is a basic problem in the computer science . It was widely used in the area of genome comparison text processing and compression et al .

    字符串对比是计算机科学的一个基本问题,在基因组比较、 文本处理与 压缩等实践中有着广泛应用。

  • Standard text compression techniques can give dramatic reductions in document size at the cost of additional processing overhead .

    标准 文本 压缩技术可以极大减少文档的大小,代价是额外的处理开销。

  • The SVG images being represented as pure text can be compressed using some of the well-known text compression algorithms like gzip .

    SVG图像,以纯文本形式表示,可以使用一些常用的 文本 压缩算法,比如gzip,对之进行压缩。

  • On compression of the video this text adopts hardware compression method considering the price and development period .

    在视频的压缩问题上, 本文考虑到性价比及开发周期等因素,采用的是硬件 压缩方式。

  • String matching is an important basic research field in computer science and it occurs naturally as part of text processing data compression search engine computational biology and network security .

    串匹配算法是计算机科学领域中一个重要的基础研究领域。在 文本处理、数据 压缩、搜索引擎、生物计算,以及网络安全等大量的应用中,都需要进行串匹配。

  • The Summary of Text Compression Technology

    文本 压缩技术综述

  • This text compares and analyses various kinds of compression standards of the digital audio and video at first has chosen MPEG-4 compressed scheme as the video of monitoring system of video finally .

    本文首先对数字音视频的各种 压缩标准进行比较和分析,最终选取了MPEG-4作为视频监控系统的视频压缩方案。

  • A straightforward logical approach for compressing XML documents is to use the traditional general-purpose text compression tools .

    压缩XML文档的一种简单方法是使用传统的通用 文本 压缩工具。

  • Chinese Text Compression And Its Applications

    汉语 文本 压缩 研究及其应用

  • Applying LZSS and LZW combined in text compression

    文本 压缩中联合使用LZSS和LZW

  • Dynamic alphabet is a fresh but key concept to the building of statistical model of text compression for any natural language of large alphabet set such as Chinese .

    动态字母表对于建立大字符集文种(如汉语) 文本 压缩的统计模型具有重要意义。

  • This paper proposed a watermarking method to resist JPEG compression a new image information hiding method through JPEG carries an English text compression algorithm an encryption algorithm of color image and an algorithm of watermarking these algorithms are all based on Fibonacci series and Quaternion .

    本文基于Fibonacci数列和四元数,提出了抗JPEG压缩的数字水印新方法、以JPEG为载体的图像信息隐藏新方法、英文 文本 压缩算法以及彩色图像的数字水印和加密算法。

  • Database construction is an important part of the speech synthesis technology which includes the text collection selection of the typical text recording labeling design and compression work of the speech database .

    语音语料库的建设是语音合成技术中的重要环节,其中包括文本语料收集、典型 文本的筛选、录音、语料的标注、语音语料库的设计和 压缩等工作。