text block

[tɛkst blɑk][tekst blɔk]

[计] 正文块

  • Text block with a bracket along its full width . Height adjusts as you type . Selection handle controls paragraph width .

    整个 文本 都被括在方括号中。高度在键入 文本时随之调整。选择手柄可控制段落宽度。

  • Firstly acquiring the text content block according to the DOM tree parsed from the web pages and then analyzing the characteristics of noise information in the text content block in order to remove the noise information .

    首先将Web页面解析成DOM树,根据正文信息特征获取 正文信息 在页面DOM树中的位置,进一步分析正文信息块块内噪音信息的特点,去除块内噪音信息。

  • The text covers the block 's face which is almost exactly the dimensions of a standard legal pad .

    铭文覆盖 石板表面,几乎是一本标准信纸的比例。

  • This text establishes a model of space-time block code system at first and also introduces the theory of maximum likelihood estimate .

    文章首先建立了空时 分组编码的系统模型,并且介绍了最大似然估计的理论。

  • If you add no text the text block is removed when you click outside the block .

    如果未添加文本,则单击文本块外部时此 文本 会被删除。

  • Selected text block is required to represent the text characteristic of information including information semantic information and certain structure make the text plagiarism detection accuracy is high .

    选出的 文本 要求是能代表文本特征的信息,包括语义信息和一定的结构信息,使文本抄袭检测的准确率尽量高。

  • XSL-FO Line areas define text lines inside Block areas .

    FO行区域定义了 块状区域里的 文本行。

  • An encrypted text block that validates a certificate or other file .

    验证证书或其他文件的一个加密的 文本

  • Text block with border line at side . Height adjusts as you type . Selection handles control paragraph width .

    一侧有边框线的 文本 。高度在键入 文本时随之调整。选择手柄可控制段落宽度。

  • The CommentBlock () function is then called to convert that text into a comment block .

    CommentBlock()函数随后被调用,以将 文本转换为一个注释

  • Since you do need to reformat each text block type differently to produce the correct HTML output a state machine seems like a natural solution .

    由于需要以不同方式重新格式化每个 文本 以生成正确的HTML输出,状态机似乎就是自然的解决方案。

  • The text detailedly introduced crown block running system availability work period of bridge girder erection equipment and improve case for precast beams install .

    详细介绍了对双导梁式架桥机 天车、行走系统、有效工作长度及预制梁安装就位的改进情况。

  • At first the language property of each text block is estimated according to the characteristics of Uyghur Chinese and English scripts .

    识别系统首先根据维、汉、英文字的各自特点实现字符 语言属性的初步判断,然后针对每种 文字设计不同的字符切割算法。

  • Adjustable brace with text at side . Width position and alignment of text block are configurable .

    侧边带文本的可调大括号。 文本 的宽度、位置和对齐方式均可配置。

  • Drag to add an 8 point size Arial font text block .

    通过拖动可添加8磅大小宋体字体的 文本

  • The Method of Programming on Inserting Text - block in the View

    视图中插入 文本 的编程方法

  • The text block can be selected moved and deleted like the other object of picture .

    这里的 文本 如其它的图形对象一样,可以选择、可以移动、可以修改、可以删除。

  • Callout with baseline and elbow pointer at bottom of text block . Selection handles adjust paragraph width .

    底线和肘形指针位于 文本 底部的标注。选择手柄可调整段落宽度。

  • While looking at the source code an evil user believes this is true and decides to test the form by writing a text block that includes a JavaScript call that throws an alert .

    查看源代码时,一个不幸的用户相信这是真的,并且决定通过编写包括抛出警报的JavaScript调用的 文本 来测试表单。

  • The simulation results show that : The above algorithm should be a good tamper-resistant capability and can navigate to the text lines or block of characters .

    试验表明:上述算法都要很好防篡改能力,并能定位到 文本行,或者字符

  • For instance a user could spot that the input for a text block is being echoed on the following page and take advantage of that echo .

    例如,用户可以发现 文本 的输入被返回到以下页面上并且要利用那些返回信息。

  • Callout with pointer at side of text block . Selection handle controls paragraph width .

    指针位于 文本 侧边的标注。选择手柄可控制段落宽度。

  • Text information of the title block is extracted automatically which contributes to searching drawings accurately and fast according to engineering information of the title block ;

    自动提取图纸标题 工程 信息,根据标题栏信息进行实时准确快速搜索;

  • Text block with adjustable partial bracket . Selection handles control paragraph width .

    带可调的不完整方括号的 文本 。选择手柄可控制段落宽度。

  • Drag to add a text block with centered text . Use to label sections of a parts list revisions block or title block .

    拖动此形状可添加 文本居中的文本 。用于标注部件清单、修订块或标题块的各部分。

  • Callout with oval outline and pointer from center of text block . Control handles adjust width and height .

    文本 中央引出的具有椭圆轮廓线和指针的标注。控制手柄可调整宽度和高度。

  • Callout with outline box and adjustable pointer at top or bottom of text block . Pointer position controls text alignment .

    位于 文本 顶部或底部带外框和可调指针的标注。指针位置可控制文本的对齐方式。

  • Drag the side handle to change the width of the text block .

    拖动侧边手柄更改 文本 的宽度。

  • When you are finished typing click outside the text block .

    键入完 文本后,在 文本 外单击。

  • This method finally gives the candidate text block .

    本方法的最终输出结果为候选 文本