this morning

[ðɪs ˈmɔrnɪŋ][ðis ˈmɔ:niŋ]


  • Presumably the front door was locked when you came down this morning ?


  • The marines went ashore as a spearhead this morning to capture key targets .

    今天 早晨,海军陆战队作为先头部队率先登陆以占领主要目标。

  • He passed away at five o'clock this morning .

    他于 今晨5时谢世。

  • I had to get up at seven o'clock this morning to let them into the building because they had lost their keys

    今天 早上我不得不7点钟就起床开门让他们进楼,因为他们把钥匙弄丢了。

  • They 're freshly baked . I fetched them from the baker 's this morning .

    它们是刚出炉的。我 早上去面包房买回来的。

  • I copied it down the way my lawyer read it to me this morning .

    我把 今天 早上律师念的一字不差地记了下来。

  • He was shot this morning by unidentified intruders at his house .

    今天 早上在家中被身份不明的闯入者射杀。

  • I should have gone this morning but I was feeling a bit ill

    今天 早晨应该走的,但是我觉得有点不舒服。

  • The prime minister told reporters this morning that he plans to reshuffle his entire cabinet .

    今天 早上,首相告诉记者他打算全面改组内阁。

  • I came down this morning to get the newspaper

    今天 上午过来取报纸。

  • He phoned again this morning . He 's very persistent .

    今天 早晨他又打来了电话。他非常执著。

  • He dropped by my office this morning .

    今天 早晨他到我办公室串门来了。

  • What have you got for me this morning Patrick ?

    今天 上午你为我安排了些什么,帕特里克?

  • I got a delivery of fresh eggs this morning .

    今天 早上收到了送来的新鲜鸡蛋。

  • Did a girl called Gao Hong ring up for me this morning ?


  • Gunfire broke out early this morning around the seat of government in Lagos .

    今天 凌晨在拉各斯的政府大楼周围发生了枪战。

  • It was so fine this morning . Who would have thought it would hail in the afternoon !

    早上天气还好好的,不料 下午竟下起雹子来了。

  • Captain David Clement and 150 commandos stormed the port this morning .

    戴维·克莱门特上尉和150名突击队员 今天 早上对港口展开突袭。

  • Police were reported to have seized all copies of this morning 's edition of the newspaper

    据说警方已经将该报纸 今天 早间版全部没收。

  • This morning the American was formally handed over to the ambassador .

    今天 上午这名美国人被正式移交给了大使。

  • The conference was inaugurated this morning .

    大会 今天 上午开幕了。

  • Beryl came round this morning to apologize

    贝丽尔 今天 上午来登门道歉了。

  • She started getting stomach cramps this morning .

    今天 早上开始胃痉挛。

  • The Prime Minister arrived back at Downing Street from Paris this morning

    今天 早晨首相从巴黎回到了唐宁街。

  • U.S. Marines had a firefight with local gunmen this morning .


  • She says no letter arrived this morning .

    她说 今天 早上没有信来。

  • Write a note to my prof and tell him why I missed an exam this morning .

    给我的教授写一封短信,告诉他我为什么没有参加 今天 上午的考试。

  • You 've changed your tune since this morning haven 't you ?

    你从 今天 早上就变卦了,是不是?

  • This morning he had tried every way possible to contact her

    今天 早晨已想尽办法与她联系。