thiopental sodium


  • Aim To investigate the effect of thiopental sodium on the release of glutamate and GABA from synaptosomes of rats prefrontal cortex .

    目的观察 硫喷妥钠对大鼠前额皮层突触体谷氨酸和γ氨基丁酸(GABA)Ca2+依赖性和Ca2+非依赖性释放的影响。

  • GABA_A receptor mediated inhibitory effect of thiopental sodium on glutamate release from prefrontal cortical synaptosomes in rats

    GABAA受体介导 硫喷妥钠对大鼠前额皮层突触体谷氨酸释放的抑制作用

  • AIM To investigate the effects of thiopental sodium on nitric oxide synthases ( NOS ) activity and nitride oxide ( NO ) in different rats cerebral synaptic membrane .

    目的 动态 观察 硫喷妥钠对大鼠不同脑区NOS活性、NO的影响,探讨硫喷妥钠的 全麻作用机制。

  • Conclusion : Low concentration of thiopental and high concentration of ketamine and propofol have significant direct myocardial depressant action especially the high concentration of thiopental while sodium γ hydroxybutyrate and low concentration of ketamine and propofol have little or no cardiotoxic effect .

    结论:低浓度的 硫喷妥钠以及高浓度的氯胺酮、异丙酚均有直接的心肌抑制作用,高浓度的硫喷妥钠尤为明显。

  • Objective To explore the effects of propofol and thiopental sodium injection on convulsive seizure in electro-convulsive therapy ( ECT ) and to provide evidence to help the selection of intravenous anaesthetics in improved ECT .

    目的探讨丙泊酚与 硫喷妥钠对电抽搐治疗时抽搐发作影响特点的差异性,为改良式电抽搐疗法中静脉用麻醉药物的选择提供依据。

  • Sodium Peat Humic Acid inhibits the Cytochrome P_ ( 450 ) of the liver of mice Strengthens the effect of thiopental sodium on the central nervous inhibition of mice . and therefore Significantly prolongs the duration of anesthesia .

    腐植酸钠对小鼠肝脏细胞色素P(450)有抑制作用,并能增强 硫贲妥钠对小鼠的中枢抑制作用,使麻醉持续时间显著延长。

  • CONCLUSION : Propofol and midazolam but not thiopental sodium can provide protective effects against reperfusion induced injury in rats subjected to focal cerebral ischemia .

    结论:丙泊酚和 达唑 有拮抗大鼠局灶脑缺血后再灌注损伤的作用。

  • Effects of thiopental sodium on ATPase activities in different brain regions of rats


  • AIM To investigate whether the dynamic changes of ATPase activities induced by thiopental sodium are related to its anesthetic effect .

    目的探讨 硫喷妥钠对大鼠不同 ATP酶活性的动态影响,是否与麻醉作用有关。

  • Conclusion Thiopental sodium can increase the excitation threshold of brain cortical neurons and decrease the level of convulsive seizure induced by ECT .

    结论 硫喷妥钠可上调大脑皮质神经元的兴奋阈值,降低电抽搐治疗时的痉挛发作程度。

  • Effect of propofol and thiopental sodium on muscle relaxation of rocuronium

    丙泊酚和 硫喷妥钠对罗库溴铵肌松效应的影响

  • These patients received intravenous anaesthesia with suxamethonium plus thiopental sodium or propofol for the implementation of ECT respectively .

    两组患者分别在 硫喷妥钠和丙泊酚复合琥珀胆碱静脉麻醉下实施电抽搐治疗。

  • Objective To investigate the effects of thiopental sodium on transient outward K + currents ( Itol ) in human atrial myocytes using whole-cell patch clamp technique .

    目的观察 硫喷妥钠对人心肌细胞瞬间外向钾通道电流(Itol)的影响,探讨其对心肌抑制作用中可能的电生理改变作用。

  • Propofol Injection Pain Reduced by Alkalotic Buffer Solutions - 2.5 % Sodium Thiopental versus 5.0 % Sodium Bicarbonate

    5.0% 碳酸氢钠和2.5% 硫喷妥钠对139例患者丙泊酚注射痛的疗效分析