


  • Why is Kara Thrace worried about Sam Anders just before the Cylons attack and occupy new caprica ?

    正当塞昂攻击并占领新卡不利卡时,为什么 卡拉瑟瑞斯 如此担心山姆安德斯?

  • When Athens was threatened by the wild men King Tereus of Thrace came to its help .

    当雅典受到蛮人的威胁时, 色雷斯国王泰诺斯伸出了援助之手。

  • Who was flying patrol with Kara Thrace the first time she dove into the strange storm in Maelstrom ?

    在“漩涡”一 集中卡拉瑟瑞斯第一次俯冲入那个奇怪的风暴时,谁和她一起巡逻?

  • Bulgaria is comprised of the regions of Thrace Moesia and Macedonia .

    保加利亚由 色雷斯,摩西亚以及马其顿帝国这三个区域构成。

  • Dairy farming in the rest of Thrace is conducted in much the same way as it is in Balabancik and within a couple of days district vets in other villages were reporting problems too .


  • Future hotshot pilot Kara Starbuck Thrace received a scholarship to the Fleet Academy based on her skill in what game ?


  • A place where I had never expected to find myself : the ancient city of Philippopolis capital of Thrace . A well preserved amphitheatre golden in the morning sun .

    这是一个我从未期待自己会出现的地方:在 色雷斯首都&古城菲利普波利斯,一个保存完好的剧场,在清晨的金色阳光下静谧地矗立着。

  • South African Department of Coloured Rehoboth and Nama Affairs It is not surprising therefore to find the Greeks of Western Thrace suspicious of the Turks and the Turks of the Greeks .

    南非有色人雷霍博斯人和纳马人事务部因此,毫不奇怪,西 色雷斯的希腊人对土耳其人 疑心,而土耳其人 猜疑希腊人。

  • Captain Thrace is reporting massive detonations .


  • You want me to rescue captain thrace ?

    你想让我去营救 色雷斯上尉?

  • What odd psychological ploy does Leoben conoy use against Kara Thrace while she 's his prisoner on new caprica ?

    当里奥本寇诺依在新卡布里卡将 卡拉瑟瑞斯囚禁的时候,他用了什么古怪的心理策略?

  • How is Kara Thrace able to take Lee Adama by surprise during the first test flight of the Blackbird fighter craft ?


  • For years they lived in Thrace and had one son Itylus by name .

    他们在 色雷斯生活了许多年,并且生了一个儿子,名叫意大拉斯。

  • After Kara Thrace crash-lands on a deserted moon why does Roslin argue with William Adama about the search-and-rescue mission ?


  • To whom does Kara Thrace give her statue of Aurora before her seemingly final mission ?

    卡拉·瑟瑞斯在她(看似)最后一次任务中,把她的 黎明女神雕像给了谁?

  • What was that secret experience that Lee Adama and Kara Thrace shared on New Caprica ?

    他们在新 卡不利卡的神秘经历是什么?

  • During which event do Lee Adama and Kara Thrace revisit a secret experience that they shared on New Caprica ?

    在哪个事件中,李·阿达玛和 卡拉·瑟瑞斯重新回顾了他们在新卡不利卡的神秘经历?