


  • The clinical manifestation of deficiency of both qi and yin syndrome include spontaneous sweating fatigue Qi shortness and talking laziness lumbar debility anorexia cardiopalmus and thready pulse .

    气阴两虚证临床表现为易自汗、 乏力、气短懒言、腰膝酸软、食欲不振、心悸、

  • It 's thready but it 's still there .

    线 一样,不过 至少还有。

  • Vision is declining gradually dryness of eyes dizziness insomnia poor memory soreness and weakness of the lumbar region red tongue and thready pulse .

    视力逐渐减弱,眼睛干涩,头晕失眠,记忆力减退,或伴 腰膝酸软者,舌红,脉

  • And the precipitate Mo_2C in the normolized Cr-Mo steel loses the coherence with the matrix The short thready precipitates Mo_2C can strengthen the matrix by dispersion-strengthening .

    而正火态的Cr-Mo轨钢中的Mo2C沉淀已与基体失去共格关系,短纤维状的Mo 2C沉淀物对基体起弥散强化的作用。

  • Before chemotherapy wiry thready pulse wiry slippery pulse and thready slippery pulse are the main pulse .

    脉象 化疗前 弦细 、弦滑脉、细滑脉为多,化疗后以沉滑脉、沉细脉为主, 虚证脉象 明显 增加

  • His pulse is thready and he 's bleeding internally .

    他的脉搏很 微弱,而且 还有内出血。

  • The methed and the technique using electron microscope to sample DNA molecule with water unfolding film was discussed . In spite of no spinning projection the thready structure of DNA molecule was observed directly with transmissive electric micro-scope .

    摸索了DNA分子的水展膜电镜制样方法与技术,在无旋转投影设备的条件下,直接用透射电镜观察到了DNA分子的 线型结构。

  • The characteristic analysis on bounding pulse and thready pulse of TCM based on signal processing

    基于信号处理的中医 洪脉 脉的特征分析

  • Blood Deficiency : The pale complexion dizziness limb numbness pale tongue thready pulse .


  • Secondary symptoms : fatigue frequent night urination hair loss or teeth shaking dizziness and deep thready pulse .

    次要症状: 乏力、夜尿频多、发落或齿摇、头晕目眩、沉

  • The pulse is differentiated in terms of depth ( superficial or deep ) speed ( rapid or slow ) strength ( forceful or weak ) shape ( thick or thready soft or hard ) and rhythm .

    脉应区分其的 沉浮、快慢、强弱、形状和节律。

  • There were thready strong echo at the back of tumor and associated with retinal detachment in 49 cases ( 49 / 98 % ) .

    49例( 49/98声像图显示在肿物回声的后方有一线样的强回声带,与肿物发生粘连,为继发性视网膜脱离;

  • The top ten symptoms of diabetes were : dark tongue dry mouth fatigue polydipsia greasy fur wiry pulse pale tongue blurred vision red tongue thready pulse .

    患者症状、舌 脉象的频数及 发生 前十位分别为:舌暗、口干、疲倦乏力、多饮、苔腻、脉弦、舌淡、视物模糊、舌红、

  • Palpitation lustreless complexion dizziness blurring of vision shortness of breath lassitude pale tongue with tooth prints thready weak or intermittent pulse .

    心悸不宁,面色无华,头晕目眩,气短乏力,舌质淡,有齿痕, 细数或结代。

  • The almost pure cellulose obtained from the seed thready of cotton is tough fibrous and completely insoluble in water .

    棉花种子 纤维中获得的几乎是纯的纤维素,是强硬的、纤维状的,完全不溶于水。

  • This method can be used for apoplectics manifesting dry stool or constipation yellowish fur and thready and slippery pulse .

    中风病人凡具有便干便秘, 舌苔黄腻,脉 滑等症状,皆可大胆应用。

  • Secondary symptoms : mental fatigue and lacking of strength eye dryness cramps unclear vision and thready weak pulse .

    次要症状: 疲乏力、目干涩、抽筋、 不清、 弱脉