

n.& adj.胸腺(的)

  • The Thymus gland : This is a small walnut sized gland which lies behind the breast bone .


  • Objective : To investigate the differences in different methods of peptide assay in thymus peptide solution and its preparation .

    目的研究 胸腺肽溶液及其制剂不同方法测定多肽含量结果的差异。

  • Role and significance of thymus in pathological evaluation of immunotoxicity


  • These cells were injected into mice engineered without a thymus gland which produces T cells . A comparison group of genetically engineered mice got no injections .

    他们从发生实验性IRI的小鼠身上分离了白细胞,并注入遗传工程摘除了 胸腺(从而不能产生T淋巴细胞)的小鼠,实验以未注射的同样小鼠为对照。

  • Objective To enhance the operation security and the cure rate of the myasthenia gravis patients with thymoma or thymus hyperplasia and to sum up the clinical experience .

    目的提高重症肌无力合并 胸腺增生或胸腺瘤患者手术的安全性和治愈率,总结其临床经验。

  • Immunologists have demonstrated that insulin is expressed in the thymus ? not just in the pancreas .

    免疫学家已经显示出胰岛素是在 胸腺,而不是在胰腺表达。

  • The thymus gland lies behind the breastbone and is an important part of the immune system .


  • This is initially compensated for via the production of new helper T cells from the thymus ( originally from the bone marrow ) .

    这是最初补偿通过生产新的辅助性T细胞的 胸腺(最初是从骨髓)。

  • The innervation of rat thymus was observed by silver stain method .

    采用改良的银染色法观察了大鼠 胸腺神经纤维的分布。

  • Tissue Total Protein Human Adult Normal Thymus .

    组织,总蛋白,成年正常人, 胸腺

  • Effects of mesenchymal stem cells on thymus tissue injury induced by ionizing radiation in mice

    骨髓间充质干细胞在电离辐射诱发的小鼠 胸腺组织损伤中的作用

  • Now scientists have set their sights on replicating more complicated organs including the heart kidneys liver pancreas and thymus .

    如今,科学家着眼于复制包括心脏、肾脏、肝脏、胰腺和 胸腺等更为复杂的器官。

  • Dgalactose ; Thymus gland removal ; Nerve cells apoptosis ; Mitochondria membrane potential ; Aging model .

    D半乳糖;摘除 胸腺;神经细胞凋亡;线粒体膜电位;衰老模型。

  • Objective to explore the developmental regular pattern of thymus cortex and medulla volume in human fetus .

    目的探讨人胎 胸腺皮髓质体积发育的规律。

  • Lymphatic system : System of lymph nodes vessels and nodules and lymphoid tissue including the thymus spleen tonsils and bone marrow through which lymph circulates and is filtered .

    淋巴系统:淋巴结、淋巴管、淋巴小结所构成的系统,还包括淋巴组织如 胸腺、脾脏、扁桃腺及骨髓。淋巴液藉由淋巴系统循环并过滤。

  • Benefits : Relieves anxiety anguish and depression ; boosts the immune system and regulates the thymus gland .

    优点:缓解焦虑,痛苦,忧郁,增强和调节免疫系统的 胸腺

  • Some of the stem cells migrate to the thymus under the influence of hormones in the thymus a large number of proliferation and differentiation into mature cells of a subgroup called T lymphocytes .

    一些干细胞迁移到 胸腺 ,在胸腺激素影响下,大量增殖分化成为成熟淋巴细胞的一个亚群,被称之为T淋巴细胞。

  • Observe and handle with statistics the levels of IL-6 and thymus gland spleen adrenal gland wet weighs of big rats in AA model make joint synovium pathology sections .

    对大鼠免疫器官脾、 胸腺、肾上腺的湿重、大鼠血清IL-6水平进行检测和统计学处理。制作并观察关节滑膜病理切片。

  • It takes advantage of a phenomenon known as thymus involution which begins shortly after birth .

    这种技术充分利用了 胸腺从出生之后不久就开始退化的现象。

  • The thymus gland or pancreas of a young animal especially a calf or lamb used for food .

    尤指小牛或羊羔等小动物的 胸腺或胰腺,用作食物。

  • Thymus : Pyramid-shaped lymphoid organ ( see lymphoid tissue ) Between the Breastbone and the heart .


  • The prohibited items are brain spine thymus tonsils spleen and intestine .

    阻止的项目是脑,脊骨, 胸腺,扁桃体,脾和肠。

  • Conclusions : Immunomodulation in septic rat can improve immune function alleviate the lymphocyte apoptosis of thymus and spleen and increase the survival time .

    结论:免疫调理可使脓毒症大鼠免疫功能提高,降低 胸腺和脾脏淋巴细胞的凋亡率,提高脓毒症大鼠的存活率。

  • Your thymus can actually enlarge to almost one-third the size of the heart .

    你们的 胸腺真的可以扩大到心脏大小的大致三分之一。

  • APUD-like cells were found in the thymus of chicken under the transmission electron microscope .

    应用透射电镜在鸡 胸腺内观察到一类APUD(样)细胞。

  • The function of the thymus was unknown until relatively recently .

    直到不久以前,人们对 胸腺的功能尚不明了。

  • Your thymus deteriorated because of the increase in background radiation caused when the two firmaments collapsed .

    当两个天空倒塌时候,由于背景辐射的增加导致你们 胸腺 功能恶化。

  • Lymphoid tissue cells tissues and organs composing the immune system including the bone marrow thymus spleen and lymph nodes .

    淋巴组织:组成免疫系统的细胞,组织和器官,包括骨髓, 胸腺,脾脏及淋巴结。

  • In ascension the thymus gland grows up the sternum connecting to the thyroid lymph nodes and brain stem .

    提升中, 胸腺在胸骨上生长,连接到甲状腺、淋巴腺节点和脑干。