And I think a lot of difficult complex problems are like that .
我 认为 很多困难,复杂的问题都是如此。
People think a lot of stupid things .
人们还 说 了 很多无聊的谣言。
When I first suggested it to the local business community I think a lot of them thought I was mad she says but most people are pretty supportive now .
我最初向当地商业团体提出这个建议时,我 想 很多人都认为我疯了,她表示。但大多数人现在相当支持。
I think a lot of the teams that added players are going through that right now .
我 认为 很多增加了新球员的球队都在经历适应期。
B : I think a lot of them do .
我 想他们中间 很多人是这么想的。
In a backhanded way I think a lot of my energy and strength comes from my campaigning .
我 觉得我的活力和力量 很多都间接来自于我的竞选运动。
I don 't think a lot of people will jump up and down and say ' thank heavens ' ..
我并不 认为 很多人会欣喜若狂地说“感谢上帝”。
I think a lot of people do get religious .
我 认为 很多人确实多了些宗教色彩。
I think a lot of people are trying to relax after finishing exams .
我 想 很多人是考完试要来放松一下的。
I think a lot of people will be pleased with these additions .
我 认为 很多人将会为这些新功能而感到高兴。
I think a lot of people will vote for you .
我 想 很多人会投票支持你。
I think a lot of it has to do with the balls that are used in both places .
我 认为 更多的是两地所用的球的不同的缘故。
I think a lot of people women in particular steer clear of these sensitive issues .
我 认为 很多人,特别 是女性,都会回避这些敏感问题。
But I think a lot of other brands have discovered it . '
但是我 觉得 很多其他品牌也发现了这个商机。
I think a lot of it has to do with how a person looks at things .
生活 中 有 很多我们无法预想的矛盾,应该就是时机的问题吧, 我错过了很多。
I think a lot of people are in that situation .
我 认为 很多人都处于这一境地。
Kay said : I think a lot of people believe in trusting their instincts when dating .
凯说:我 想 很多人在约会的时候都会相信他们的直觉。
I think a lot of people will say you 're raising expectations ; this can 't possibly happen .
我 认为 很多人会说你让人期望很高,但这不会发生。
I think so and I think a lot of animators I know are very childlike and innocent because you have to have that sort of way of looking at things .
我想是的,而且我 想我所认识的 很多动画人都非常有童心,非常天真,因为你必须用那种方式看待事物。
I think a lot of this is totally related to social media and Facebook .
我 想这在 很大程度上都和社交媒体以及Facebook有关。
I think a lot of foreigners are biased against China .
我 觉得 许多外国人对中国有偏见。
I think a lot of people still underestimate him
我 觉得 很多人仍然低估了他。
I think a lot of people will be pleasantly surprised .
我 认为 许多人将会对该工具感到惬意、震惊。
I think a lot of the venues are new .
我 想 有 很多场馆都是新的。
I think a lot of people knew me through my Panda 's Horn .
我 想, 许多人是通过我的《熊猫号角报》才开始注意到我的。
I think a lot of the trainees feel they are a cheap source of labor .
我 想 很多培训生都感觉他们是廉价的劳动力。
I do really try hard but I think a lot of it trying to be really creative since I do have an artistic side .
我确实 有努力的(借口)我有 想了 很多怎么样有 更多的创造性,自从我开始觉得我有艺术方面的天分。
I think a lot of leaders are know-it-alls .
我 认为, 许多领导者会自认为无所不知。
The new year has passed and long one-year-old I think a lot of it is also sensible .
新的一年过去了,又长了一岁,我 想也懂事 了 许多吧。
I think a lot of people don 't understand mental illness .
我 认为 很多人并不能理解那些精神上的痛苦。
美[θɪŋk e lɑt ʌv]英[θiŋk ə lɔt ɔv]