

v.讲讲述表明( tell的过去式和过去分词 )知道

  • The cost of the immunizations was about $ 600 all told .

    接种疫苗的成本 合计约60万美元。

  • I was greatly touched by what you told me .


  • I realize I ought to have told you about it

    我意识到自己本该把这件 告诉你的。

  • How many times has your mother told you never to talk to strangers ?

    你母亲 告诉你多少次了,绝不能和陌生人谈话?

  • You told me a pack of lies .


  • I told him I 'd have to think about that one .


  • I told him what was on my heart .

    我的心事 告诉了他。

  • Have you told Matron ?


  • All told there were 104 people on the payroll

    在职的 总共有104人。

  • I already told you not to come over

    我已经 告诉你别过来了。

  • ' I 've told you he 's not here ' Irena intervened .

    “我 告诉你了他不在这里,”伊雷娜插话说。

  • You are a bad boy for repeating what I told you

    重复我 的话,你真是个捣蛋鬼。

  • I told you about what brought me here

    告诉 你是什么把我带到这儿的。

  • John just told me that your birthday is on the same day as mine .

    约翰刚 告诉我你和我的生日是同一天。

  • I went in the room and told her I had something to say to her

    我走进房间, 告诉她我有话要和她说。

  • She told me not to repeat it but now I don 't suppose it matters


  • Who told you ?

    是谁 告诉你的?

  • I told them that long ago .

    我早已 告诉他们了。

  • I told her about him climbing up the drainpipe


  • All told it seems like an awful mess


  • As the day set for departure drew near I told my wife that I could not accompany them .

    起程的日子就要到了,我 告诉妻子我不能陪他们了。

  • I had told people what he had been doing so now the police were onto him .

    我已将他的所作所为 告诉了别人,因此现在警方正在追查他。

  • As soon as I told her my name she clammed up .


  • He has told me his plans and he 's made a good impression on me


  • Idiot ! You could have told me !

    蠢货!你本应该 告诉我!

  • They told me about isolation and public apathy .

    他们 我谈到了孤立无助和公众的冷漠。

  • I swear I 've told you all I know

    我发誓我已经把我所知道的全都 告诉你了。