


vt.& vi.复印,影印

  • A copy made by the xerox process .

    通过 静电 复印过程 复印出的 东西

  • Ethernet : Telecommunications networking protocol introduced by Xerox Corp. in 1979 .

    以太网络:1979年 公司提出的远程通讯网路协议。

  • You can not take it home but you can xerox what you need .

    你不能带回家,但可以 复印你需要的内容。

  • The council includes the leaders of large companies such as Ford Motor Xerox and Walt Disney .

    总统出口委员会的包括福特、 施乐和迪斯尼等美国大公司的主管。

  • One example comes from Xerox an American firm which makes office equipment and commercial printing systems .

    一个制作办公室设备和商务印刷系统的美国公司, xerox,就是一个例子。

  • Xerox once dominated the market with its complex expensive machines .


  • Now let me give you the Xerox market context .

    现在让我给大家 一些 施乐的市场背景。

  • In his later years he helped executives at companies like Ford Motors and Xerox improve their management styles .

    晚年,他致力于帮助福特汽车(FordMotors)和施乐( Xerox公司的高层们改进他们的管理风格。

  • It took Alan Kay an engineer working at Xerox 's Palo Alto Research Center to show them .

    时任 施乐 公司帕洛阿尔托(PaloAlto)研究中心工程师的AlanKay挺身而出,给他们上了一课。

  • Oh no I 'm sure the Xerox machine caught a few .

    没有, 复印机弄掉一些了。

  • Several large companies in the Rochester area including Kodak and Xerox have cut back in recent years .

    罗彻斯特地区好几家大公司,包括柯达和 在内,都在近几年内陆续迁走。

  • Xerox And we had a discussion about Xerox .

    我们 讨论了。

  • He did invent that interface which originated at Xerox Parc .

    他确实发明了这种界面,灵感来源于 XEROXPARC 公司

  • You can xerox the particular article you want .

    你可以 复印你要的那篇文章。

  • And so we have many things in Xerox research .

    所以我们在 施乐有许多活动。

  • We have to make sure that those can not be for Xerox but I think today it can .

    我们都希望 施乐不会发生,这样的 状况,不过估计现在 避免不了了。

  • Then use the xerox machine .

    那就用那台 复印机

  • Xerox printers can also automatically notify Xerox when they need new parts or service .


  • And this here Xerox machine is the pope all right ?

    这台 复印机就是教皇,明白?

  • Xerox PARC is nurturing an experimental MUD running on its company computer .


  • The controversy caused by this ad was beyond Xerox 's anticipation .

    这则广告引起的争议超出了 施乐 公司的预计。

  • Xerox Corp. is also working on a technology that could replace paper as portable renewable reading matter .


  • Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering . It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats .

    施乐 公司 展开了一项逆向工程。他们把日本的机器拆开,调查了日本的工厂以弄清楚他们如何能生产出如此了不起的产品。

  • This has been going on for decades of Xerox which I really appreciate .

    施乐这个 传统有几十年的历史了,我也很欣赏这一点。

  • This week we announced a president of Xerox .

    这周我们宣布了一位 公司 总裁

  • The rooms are crammed with humming Xerox machines .

    那些房间里摆满了嗡嗡作响的 复印机

  • ` Xerox ' is a proprietary name and may not be used by other makers of photocopiers .


  • So Xerox paid for the research ; Microsoft paid only for development .

    所以 ,这个研究 中心支付了 微软系统的研发费用,而微软仅仅支付了这 系统的改良费用。

  • Could you please help me xerox this book ?

    你可以帮我 复印这本书吗?

  • Xerox every moment with you in my mind .

    和你在一起的每个瞬间都 刻在我的脑海里。