transmitted light


  • Equal-thickness interference of transmitted light and analysis of the fringe

    透射 的等厚干涉及条纹分析

  • The curve of the intensity of the transmitted light versus the current in vertical and horizontal coil is measured .

    分别固定水平线圈和垂直线圈的电流后,在不同的光抽运信号下测定了铷样品吸收池的 透射 强度与垂直线圈和水平线圈电流的关系曲线。

  • Flocculation control by fluctuation of transmitted light intensity is a new technique developed in the late1980s .


  • The liquid crystal helix structure of the state is analyzed using of transmitted light intensity and voltage curves under different voltage .

    并且利用 透射 强度与电压的关系曲线,分析了不同电压下液晶螺旋结构状态。

  • We demonstrate the use of one-dimensional photonic crystals ( PCs ) containing defect layers as dispersive device to spatially separate transmitted light beams at obliquely incident angles .

    将具有多个缺陷的一维光子晶体作为色散元件,设计了能够将两通道和三通道 片在斜入射条件下进行波长空间分离的空间滤波器。

  • At last a modified rectangular photonic crystal fiber is designed in this article this structure can get a wider band gap and the band of transmitted light is stretched .

    文章的最后提出了一种改进型的四边形结构的光子晶体光纤,这种结构可以得到更宽的禁带,可以使 传输 的频带得到展宽。

  • Then the transmitted light signals are converted to electrical digital signals and input to the computer .

    透过 胶片 信号转换成电信号,贮存在计算机内存并进行处理。

  • The Goos-H (?) nchen Effect of the Transmitted Light Beam and Its Mechanism

    透射 光束的Goos-H(?)nchen效应及其机制

  • The technique of fluctuation of transmitted light detected can solve the problem for the merits of few detected parameters and high sensitivity .


  • Based on the present research abroad An analytic formula of transmitted light fluctuation ( TLF ) value for suspension liquid is deduced in theory .

    在国外现有研究的基础上,从理论上推导出了悬浊液 透光率脉动值的解析式。

  • The feasibility of using the transmitted light fluctuation monitoring technique in the treatment of oily wastewater in oilfields is systematically studied .

    透光率脉动这种 新型 光学检测技术在油田含油污水的处理中的应用可行性进行了讨论。

  • The Goos-Hnchen ( G-H ) shift of reflected and transmitted light beams in this configuration is theoretically investigated by stationary-phase approach .

    利用稳态相位法研究了当入射角小于全反射临界角时双棱镜结构中 透射 光束的古斯汉欣位移。

  • Taking Glan-Taylor prism for example the reason that the transmitted light intensity perturbs with the rotation angle is analyzed .

    以格兰–泰勒棱镜为例,根据实验现象对 透射 光强随旋转角扰动的原因进行了理论分析。

  • ( mineralogy ) a six-rayed star-shaped figure seen in some crystal structures under reflected or transmitted light .

    (矿物学)晶体结构在 透射或反射的 下所呈现的有六个射线的星形形状。

  • The technique fluctuation of transmitted light detecting has some merits such as high sensitivity good stabilization and not effected by dirty and electron excursion which can make the technique be used in the control system of coagulant dosage in mine water .

    脉动 检测技术具有检测灵敏度高、稳定性好、不怕器壁粘污和电子漂移等优点,使其可以较好地应用于矿井水处理的混凝投药控制中。

  • Polariscopes for orthodox observations by transmitted light may be classified into two groups .

    利用 透射 进到常规观测的偏振光弹仪,可分为二种。

  • The paper introduces the application of control system of coagulant dosage for fluctuation of transmitted light detecting in the mine water treatment plant and evaluates the dynamic performance of control system by changing water quality and water quantity .

    介绍了 透光率脉动混凝投药控制系统在山东兖矿集团某煤矿矿井水处理厂的应用情况,并通过实际的水质、水量等的改变对该控制系统的动态性能进行评价。

  • A new method of observing equal-thickness interference of transmitted light is introduced and it will enrich the equal-thickness interference .

    介绍一种观察 透射 等厚干涉的新方法,该方法丰富了等厚干涉的内容。

  • Through experimental research and application experience the influencing factors of sensor based on the fluctuation of transmitted light are analyzed and the optimum working parameters are presented .

    通过试验研究和总结生产应用经验,对 透光脉动传感器的影响因素进行了分析,并提出了其最优工作参数。

  • Research on influencing factors of sensor based on fluctuation of transmitted light


  • Based on interference effect at the air-gap cementing layer of Glan-Taylor prism and Glan-Foucault prism the effect of air-gap polarizing prism on the transmitted light intensity distribution of single-mode Gaussian beam is analyzed .

    根据 在格兰泰勒棱镜和格兰傅科棱镜空气隙胶合层中的干涉效应,分析了空气隙偏光棱镜对单模高斯光束 光强分布的影响;

  • A set of experimental apparatus used for testing particle size distribution is set up . The optical structure of the apparatus is introduced as well as experimental testing process . The method which is used to reduce the influence transmitted light signal is discussed .

    本论文根据Mie散射理论搭建了一台用以检测微粒粒径分布的实验装置,介绍了该装置的光学结构,并论述了实验流程,同时解决了 透射 散射信号的影响。

  • Analysis of the incident angle 's nonlinear disturbing effects on the transmitted light intensity of Glan-Taylor prisms

    入射角对格兰-泰勒棱镜 透射 光强的非线性扰动分析

  • Group III cells which projecting to hypothalamus transmitted light information and affected hypothalamus which controlled organic circadian .

    Ⅲ群细胞只投射到丘脑和下丘脑,投射到下丘脑的Ⅲ群细胞可能 传递影响下丘脑调节机体生物节律的 信息。

  • Applied the theory of point lamp transmission to analyze the theoretical regulations between slippage and electrical signal by transmitted light .

    应用点光源传播理论,分析了 透射 方式下的偏移量与 生电信号的理论关系。

  • These resonance-enhanced shifts of the transmitted light beam may lead to potential applications in the optical devices such as optical switch and optical coupler .

    共振增强的 透射 光束的位移在光开关及光耦合器中具有潜在的应用。

  • Designed a illumination model including reflected light and transmitted light to improve the traditional methods which can not deal with the light from different directions under different light conditions to achieve cirrus simulation . 2 .

    并设计了一种反射光与 透射 相结合的光照模型,改善了传统方法无法真实反映不同角度太阳光照的问题,实现了不同光照条件下的卷云层模拟。

  • The transmitted light has already been reinstalled in the microscope but we have to confirm that we can reliably and safely fold back the foils holding the aerogel tiles in place .

    透射 已经重新装入显微镜,但是我们必须确保能安全可靠的去掉拖着凝胶块的挡板。

  • A transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images .

    能够聚合或 发散 光线形成图像的透明光学装置。