transmission diagram

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈdaɪəˌɡræm][trænzˈmiʃən ˈdaiəɡræm]


  • Automatic Generation of Transmission Network Single-line Power Flow Diagram for Dispatching Large Screen Display Part One Automatic Layout

    调度大屏 电网潮流 自动生成(一)自动布局

  • Transmission Networks Single-Line Power Flow Diagram for Dispatching Large Screen Display is a core application display of dispatching SCADA and EMS system .

    调度大屏 电网潮流 ,是调度SCADA系统或EMS系统的核心应用展现。

  • This article uses an example of the monetary transmission mechanism emphasizes how to explain the international financial theory and hot economic problems in combination with an analysis of cases through Diagram Style Technique to raise the students ' ability to understand and analyze practical monetary phenomena .

    试以货币政策 传导机制理论为例,着重探讨如何运用 图式法进行理论讲解并将国际金融理论与热点经济问题和案例剖析相结合,以提高学生对现实金融现象、问题的理解分析能力。

  • The pattern dynamics in spatiotemporal chaos of the voltage wave on the lossless transmission line are qualitatively analyzed by depicting space-amplitude plot and space-time diagram . A good model with solution is established to study and understand the spatiotemporal chaos .

    通过描绘出空间振幅变化图和时空行为发展 ,定性分析了 传输线沿线电压的时空混沌图案动态,为研究和理解时空混沌提供了一种良好的可求解模型。

  • Using heuristic depth-first search method interference of components in a transmission connection diagram is judged A CAD system for design of transmission schemes of epicyclic boxes is developed The results given by the system are reasonable so it could be used to design schemes of epicyclic boxes

    采用启发式深度优先搜索方法来判断 传动 简图中构件的干涉,从而开发出一个行星变速箱传动方案CAD系统该系统设计结果合理,可用于行星变速箱的传动方案设计

  • The transmission system function is evaluated by eye diagram .

    利用 眼图传输系统的性能进行了评价。

  • In order to guarantee safe operation of the transmission of coal and the right opinion of employee who was on duty the monitoring system of tram has be designed using VB and the hardware and software of the system are given with the block diagram .

    为保证煤场 煤工作的安全运行和对值班员工的正确评价,利用VB建立了煤车的监控系统,给出了系统的硬件及软件 框图

  • Fauit Diagnosis of Transmission Line with Circle Diagram method

    电线的圆 法故障诊断

  • Loader for the prototype establishes a dual-power loader power transmission diagram on all aspects of transmission system establish mathematical model including diesel engine model motor model torque converter model gear-box model vehicle model .

    以装载机为样机,建立了双动力装载机动力 传动 框图,对传动系统各个环节建立数学模型,包括柴油机模型、电动机模型、液力变矩器模型、变速箱模型、整车模型。

  • The lever analogy is applied to sum up the gear plans of 5-speed automatic transmission and the lever diagram and transmission diagram of each plan are presented .

    采用等效杠杆法对5挡自动变速器传动方案的组成形式进行了归纳,并给出了各种方案的杠杆图和 传动 简图

  • Finally the paper introduces the configuration in whole hardware and software especially explain the transmission means in hollow-core optical fiber and program flow diagram and give result of software debugging .

    最后,介绍了本系统的硬件选型和软件算法,重点提出了改进的光纤 传输方法及实现软件流程 ,并给出了图像软件程序调试的结果。

  • This paper analyses the optimun transmission force conditions of planar crank-rocker mechanisms over working stroke and gives the design equations and diagram of optimizing mininum transmisson angle over working stroke .

    本文分析了平面曲柄摇杆机构工作行程的最佳 力条件,给出了优化工作行程最小传动角γWmin的设计公式和 线。

  • This article simulates the hydraulic adjustment system by MATLAB language reflects the stability of hydraulic system by the transmission function and the Bode diagram .

    本文采用MATLAB语言对液压调节系统进行系统仿真,通过系统的 传递函数和Bode 反映液压系统的稳定性。

  • In link layer the procedure of data transmission between the chief chip and interface chip is described at large . At the same time the operational principle of ARP is exposed very clear and the flow diagram for implement is provided thoroughly .

    在链路层,详细描述了主控芯片和接口芯片的数据 传输过程,同时对ARP的工作过程原理透彻的介绍并给出了翔实的实现流程

  • Measurement about the impedance parameters of ultrasonic transducer is an important content in the transducer measurement . There are two main methods to measure the impedance characteristic parameters of transducer : transmission line method and the admittance circle diagram .

    超声换能器的阻抗性能参数测定是换能器性能测量中的一个重要内容,换能器阻抗特性参数的测量主要有 传输线路法和导纳圆 法两种。

  • It is a strong error detection mechanism it can be a good anti-jamming greatly enhanced the stability of transmission is very suitable for automotive control . Second it introduces the design of the hardware circuit diagram .

    它强大的错误检测机制,使它能够很好的抗干扰,大大增强 传输的稳定性。其次,介绍了此次设计的硬件电路

  • In this paper coefficients of reflection and transmission of elastic wave in multi-layered media are studied . Program and block diagram for calculation of these coefficients are given .

    本文根据弹性力学理论计算出波在多层弹性介质上的反射和 透射系数,给出计算反射和 透射系数的源程序和 框图,并对波在多层弹性介质中的特性进行了一些研究。

  • After given the state transmission diagram or circuit diagram of each module we can write code of the design with Verilog language for simulation and verification .

    在给出了各模块的实现状态 或电路框图后,通过 Verilog语言对设计的框图编写代码,并对编写代码进行仿真验证。

  • It 's working principle and architecture which adopted the DMA technology is especially described started from the A / D transmission and RAM working time order . At last the working principle diagram and time order diagram is given out .

    从A/D转换器的工作时序和RAM的写时序出发,叙述了采用DMA技术的高速数据 采集系统的组成和工作原理,给出了相应的原理 框图和时序图。

  • After analyzes the distribution of wind farms selectes the GPRS transmission mode for the remote monitoring of wind farms by comparison with conventional long distance communication mode at present . Secondly the overall block diagram of the condition monitoring system for wind farms is proposed .

    在分析了风力发电场的分布特点后,对目前较为常用的远距离通信方式进行对比,选取了GPRS 传输方式对风力 发电机进行远程监测。

  • The atmosphere attenuation to 650 nm light and the dot whipping caused by air turbulence were analyzed . The signal transmission waveform and communication eye diagram of the system were recorded .

    分析了大气对光信号的衰减以及大气湍流造成的光斑抖动对 通信的影响,记录了系统的信号 传输波形和通信 眼图