traumatic disease

[医] 创伤[性]病

  • Treatment of traumatic disease is an important part of orthopedics .

    创伤性 疾病的治疗是骨科的一个重要组成部分。

  • Like skull head traumatic acute gives out heat sexual disease gestation orMenstruationPeriod wait .

    如颅脑 外伤、急性发热性 疾病、妊娠期或月经期等。

  • Objective : To analyze the relationship between the pathologic factors of traumatic cerebral lacunar infarction and the occurrence of the disease .

    目的:分析 外伤 腔隙性脑梗死的病理因素与 病变发生的关系。

  • Results The motive and traumatic disease mainly includes motive syncope 、 asthma 、 haematuria 、 gastrospasm 、 hypoglycemia 、 urticaria 、 heatstroke 、 sudden death and so on .

    结果运动 外伤 疾病主要有运动性晕厥、哮喘、血尿、胃肠痉挛、低血糖、荨麻疹、中署、猝死等。

  • Method To analyse the motive and traumatic disease combining with the individual case .

    方法结合个例对运动性非 外伤 疾病逐一进行分析。

  • Conclusion OCT has an important clinical significance in the diagnosis differential diagnosis and prognosis of traumatic macular disease .

    结论OCT在 外伤 黄斑 病变的诊断、鉴别诊断及预后的预测等方面均有重要的临床意义。

  • Research background Severe traumatic brain injury is a frequently-occurring disease that usually causes significant harm to human health and life . The aftermath of such injuries leaves survivors with permanent disabilities resulting in lifelong medical financial emotional familial and social problems .

    研究背景重型 颅脑外伤是严重危害人类健康和生命的多发 疾病,不仅给患者及其家庭带来沉重的精神和生活负担,而且容易引发一系列社会和经济问题。

  • From ancient times there are some records about the application of bryophytes in medicine and pharmacy bryophyte is widely used in the treatment of traumatic burns infection inflammation tuberculosis cardiovascular disease tonsillitis bronchitis and otitis media .

    从古代开始就已经有关于苔藓植物在医药方面应用的记载,它被广泛应用于治疗 外伤、烧伤、感染、炎症、肺结核、心血管 疾病、扁桃体炎、支气管炎以及中耳炎等 疾病

  • The spinal traumatic injury is a kind of common disease and is found frequently in daily clinical works . How to evaluate spinal injuries correctly became an urgent task to both orthopedists and radiologist .

    脊柱 损伤是临床上的常见 、多 发病,如何对脊柱损伤给出正确的影像学评价,是临床医生与影像医生面临的共同课题。

  • 72 cases of traumatic incomplete spinal injury had been treated in our department from 1978 to 1987.This paper discussed the diagnostic classifi - cation of treatment of the disease .

    对1978~1987年收治的72例外 不完全性脊髓 损伤的诊断分类及治疗进行了分析和讨论。

  • 27 patients of traumatic osteomyelitis were removed from original fixation their focuses of disease were cleared NAAB implanting was conducted and internal or external fixation surgery was conducted .

    对27例 创伤性骨髓炎的患者行原固定拆除,病灶清除, NAAB植入,重新内或外固定术。

  • 121 field hockey players from 9 top level teams were investigated for epidemiological traumatic disease . Among them 111 injuries and 48 kinds of traumatic diseases were found out with total disease incidence up to 60 . 33 % .

    对国家队等9支曲棍球队共121名运动员进行了运动 创伤流行病学调查,共查出111处损伤,48种 伤病,总发病率为60.33%。

  • Objective To understand the reasons 、 regular precautions and disposing methods of the motive and traumatic disease .

    目的了解运动 外伤 疾病 发病原因以及常规的预防和处理办法。

  • Objective : traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) combined with acute ethanol intoxication ( AEI ) is a common disease .

    目的:急性酒精中毒 合并 颅脑创伤是 神经外科的常见情况。

  • Objective To investigate the cause to delay of traumatic dislocation of hip joint in children and improve the cognitive ability of this disease in Children .

    目的探讨儿童陈旧 外伤 髋关节脱位的延误原因及 治疗,提高对儿童 外伤性髋脱位的认识。

  • Dysphasia may develop as a result of vascular neoplastic traumatic infective or degenerative disease of the cerebrum when language areas are involved .

    大脑语言区内的血管疾病、肿瘤、 创伤、感染或退化性 疾病都可能会造成失语症。

  • Cancerous sex meningitis leukaemia traumatic malignant tumor Diabetic bottom of congenital disease skull is arachnoid adhesion all can cause double flank nerve paralytic .

    癌性脑膜炎、白血病、 外伤、恶性肿瘤、糖尿病、先天性 疾病、颅底蛛网膜粘连等均可引起双侧面神经麻痹。

  • Recent studies have shown that minocycline has remarkable neuroprotective effects in animal models of cerebral ischaemia traumatic brain injury Huntington 's and Parkinson 's disease .

    近年表明,在脑缺血、 外伤、阿尔茨海默氏 和帕金森 模型上,米诺环素均有显著的神经保护作用。

  • The application of optical coherence tomography in traumatic macular disease

    外伤 黄斑 病变光学相干断层成像的应用研究

  • Traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) is a disease of high fatality and mutilation rate which has brought a lot of burden to the human individual family and society .

    颅脑创伤(traumaticbraininjury,TBI)是一种致死率和致残率都很高的 疾病,给人类个体、家庭乃至整个社会都带来了许多的负担。

  • As traumatic brain injury is a disease with high incidence death and disability a lot of scholars studied it in every field .

    颅脑 外伤traumaticbraininjury, TBI)发生率高,致死率、致残率高, 后遗症多,是 严重 危害人民群众健康的一种 疾病,也是 创伤医学、急救医学、康复医学的重要研究课题。