User Authentication Protocol : This protocol authenticates the client to the server and runs over the transport layer .
用户认证协议:该协议从服务器到客户端进行身份验证,且通过 传输 层运行。
Transports : This module contains handlers that interact with the transport layer .
传输:此模块包含与 传输 层交互的处理程序。
SCTP is a reliable general-purpose transport layer protocol for use on IP networks .
SCTP是在IP网络上使用的一种可靠的通用 传输 层协议。
Defines the transport layer security options to use when opening connections to the directory .
定义打开与目录的连接时使用的 传输 层安全性选项。
Currently Transport Layer Security ( TLS ) is the de facto standard for secure communication over the Internet .
当前, 传输 层安全性( Transport LayerSecurity(TLS))是因特网上安全通信的事实标准。
In the transport layer we find transport gateway which can interface between two transport connections .
在 传输 层,我们使用传输风头,它可以在两个传输连接之间建立接口。
UDDI builds on a network transport layer and a SOAP-based XML messaging layer .
UDDI构建于网络 传输 层和基于SOAP的XML消息传输层之上。
When a packet is passed down from the transport layer IP adds its own header to the packet .
当数据包从 传输 层向下传递时,IP协议程序把它自己的数据头加到数据包中。
By analyzing packets of the transport layer and the traffic characteristic in the P2P system TLI can identify whether or not the network data flow belongs to the P2P system .
TLI通过对 传输 层数据包进行分析并结合P2P系统所表现出来的流量特征,来识别某个网络流是否属于P2P。
For instance requesting the TLS profile ensures that channels are encrypted using Transport Layer Security .
例如,请求TLS配置文件确保通道使用“ 传输 层安全性( Transport LayerSecurity)”加密。
Currently the Content API only supports a local transport layer .
当前,ContentAPI仅支持本地 传输 层。
Method starts transport layer security encryption .
方法启动 传输 层安全加密。
Contains settings for Wireless Transport Layer Security .
包含设置无线 传输 层安全性。
TCP functions at the Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) transport layer or Layer 4 .
TCP完成开放系统互连(OSI)模型中 传输 层,即第四层的功能。
Transport Layer Security ( TLS ) is a cryptographic protocol that provides secure communication between clients and servers .
transport layersecurity(TLS)是一种密码协议,可以在客户机和服务器之间提供安全的通信。
The next layer in our model is the Transport Layer .
在我们的模型中,下一层是 传输 层。
The transport layer is responsible for key exchange and server authentication .
传输 层负责密钥交换和服务器身份验证。
If you 're writing a transport layer then this is a very relevant test pattern .
如果你正在写的 传输 层,那么这是一个非常相关的测试模式。
These services do not interact with the transport layer but do interact with the lower level service layer .
这些服务不与 传输 层交互,而与低级服务层交互。
Transport Layer Protocol : This protocol accommodates server authentication privacy and integrity with perfect forward privacy .
传输 层协议:该协议提供服务器身份验证、隐私和具有完美转发隐私的完整性。
The error occured in the transport layer .
在 传输 层中发生错误。
All application layer protocols use the sockets layer as their interface to the transport layer protocol .
所有应用层协议都使用套接字层作为与 传输 层协议之间的接口。
A user data constraint establishes a requirement that the constrained requests be received over a protected transport layer connection .
用户数据约束(userdataconstraint)满足了受限的请求应该经由受防护的 传输 层链接进行 传输的需求。
When the buffer is empty the transport layer is responsible for refilling it .
当缓冲空了, 传送 层负责再装满它。
Services running at the application layer of a TCP / IP network listen on one or more ports that are used to exchange data between clients and the host server as managed by the transport layer .
在TCP/IP网络的应用层上运行的服务监听一个或多个端口,这些端口用于在客户机和由 传输 层管理的主机服务器之间交换数据。
Application of Improved Transport Layer Security Protocol in Enhancing Data Communication Security of Wind Farm
改进 传输 层安全协议在提高风电场数据通信安全中的应用
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