Test program written by ATLAS language ; and signal-oriented detaches from the test instruments then the system has good transportability .
而使用标准测试语言ATLAS按照面向信号的思想编写的测试程序实现了测试程序与具体仪器无关,达到了良好的测试程序 可 移植 性。
With the development of hardware environment OS and communication platform it is very difficult to develop an integrative MIS with properties of validity transportability and correctness .
随着硬件环境、操作系统以及通讯平台的不断发展,开发具有正确性、 可 移植 性、有效性等特征的集成MIS系统变得非常困难。
It has such features as high transportability small volume light weight and short time of phase distribution .
其特点是 可 移植 性 强、体积小、重量轻、布相时间短,并具有 机内 自检功能。
Existing Electric Network Management Information System ( ENMIS ) can offer useful information to operators but its transportability and application region are restricted by its development circumstance and the waste of resources will often be accompanied with the reduplicate devilment of new ENMIS .
现有的电网管理信息系统因受开发环境的限制,其 可 移植 性较差,应用范围也比较狭窄,而重复开发管理信息系统又造成了资源的浪费。
Finally we validate the theoretical analysis by computer simulation and transportability over ATM network .
最后通过计算机仿真和ATM 平台 移植对理论分析进行了验证。
Transportability involves the equipment 's development transport condition transport environment and so on .
装备 运输 性涉及装备研制、运输条件及运输环境等多方面的因素。
Among them with reliability stable performance transportability open source code and more integrated documents Linux operating system becomes the first operating system to choose for the embedded equipment research and development .
与其他操作系统相比,Linux的可靠性、稳定性、 可 移植 性、公开的源代码和较为完整的开发技术文档使其成为嵌入式设备研发的首选操作系统。
Influence of Product Transportability in Logistics
产品 运输 性对物流的影响
Self-adaptive control system by laser is an advanced traffic control system by which the vehicular time can be distributed reasonably the transportability can bs improved .
激光自适应控制是目前先进的交通指挥方式,它可以合理地分配 错车时间,提高车辆的 疏导 能力, 增强 运输 效益。
Transportability and Transportation Mobility of Military Equipment
军事装备的 运输 性与运输机动性
Compared with desktop the most outstanding advantage of laptop is the transportability and battery is the vital device to accomplish this function .
与台式电脑相比,笔记本电脑最大的优越性就是 便携 性。该功能主要 依赖于笔记本的电池。
There is the Advantage of readability maintainability transportability for UUT oriented test program . The technical idea is analyzed in the paper . A group C Interface function is presented .
面向UUT的测试程序具有好的可读性、可维护性和 可 移植 性,文中对其思想进行了分析,提出了一组测试程序的C语言接口函数,重点阐述了构建开发环境的方法。
Transportability is the inherent capability of military equipments and is also a design element . It is the key core of transportation mobility .
军事装备的 运输 性是其固有属性和设计属性,是 制约其运输机动性的关键。
The general principles of log skidder model selection is discussed by analyzing transportability logging production quota economic benfit and the extent of destroyed sapling . Some methods of model selection by means of qualitative and quantitative analysis is also proposed .
本文通过对 集材拖拉机 运输 能力、集材生产定额、经济效益以及幼苗损伤程度等指标的分析阐述了集材拖拉机的选型原则,又通过定性和定量分析提出了几种选型方法。
C language program is used in subordinate computer monitoring device which makes good program transportability .
下位机采用C语言编程,使软件的 设计 具有较好的 移植 性。
The accumulation fund system which is divided into six modules meets the requirement of advancement expansibility and transportability .
该公积金系统被划分为六个功能模块,系统具有先进性、可扩展性和 可 移植 性 强等 特点。
And oil contaminants in water have stronge transportability in underground and can permeate into groundwater with ease .
水中的石油类污染物在地表以下 迁移 性很强,容易下渗进入 潜水层。
By means of the function the access capability and subsequent handling ability of data are both enhanced in system and the transportability of data is increased .
该功能既增强了系统对数据的访问能力和后续处理能力,又提高了数据的 可 移植 性。
Thirdly because of its open source excellent transportability free software Linux OS becomes the best in the open source and the first OS in the embedded system development .
再次,Linux操作系统以其开放性、良好的 可 移植 性、不付费等 特点成为嵌入式操作系统开发的首选。
For shipboard operations and to ease air transportability Pave Hawks are equipped with folding rotor blades and tail stabilator .
为适应舰载和空运的要求,“ 铺路鹰”采用了 可折叠的主旋翼和尾桨。
Discussions : ① The system developed on the base of Windows was much better in interaction and transportability or portability Whenever extracting FECS the sophisticated technique developed by our laboratory should be used to accomplish analyzing fetal heart period signal and estimating fetal autonomic nervous system function .
讨论:①基于windows开发的系统具有较好的交互性和 移植性,②获得胎儿心电后可用我们已开发的成熟技术实现对胎儿心动周期信号的混沌特征分析,以估计胎儿自主神经系统功能。
Considering software 's measurability transportability and modularization the full digital triple-loop control method is adopted to achieve good dynamic and static characteristics .
考虑到软件的可测性和 可 移植 性,并按照模块化设计思想,构建了整个系统的软件以满足速率伺服、位置伺服要求的基于全数字三闭环控制策略的应用软件系统。
The kernel layer is implemented with pure C / C + + . The kernel algorithms are encapsulated in it and it has excellent transportability .
其中核心层封装了所有相关算法,采用纯C/C++实现,具有良好的 可 移植 性。
Due to using JAVA XML technologies the system has the advantage in transportability plug and play and distribute computing .
由于使用了JAVA,XML, 数据库 连接 池等技术,使得 设计 出来 的 中间件系统具有 可 扩展性、可重用性,可优化性,可 移植性和分布式计算的优点。
MVC pattern not only realizes the separation of function block and display block but also enhances the maintenances expansibility and transportability of the application system . In the same time the reusability of component also enhanced .
MVC模式不仅实现了功能模块和显示模块的分离,还提高了应用系统的可维护性、可扩展性、 可 移植 性以及组件的可复用性。
An Exploration into the Simulation of the Transportability of Military Equipment
军事装备 运输 性模拟仿真试验研究初探
This framework system is centered on the WSN techniques with flexibility maintainability expansibility and transportability due to the modularized and open structure .
整个系统以无线传感器网络技术为核心, 增强了系统的灵活性、可维护性和可扩展性,同时系统模块化、开放式的结构使系统具有良好的 可 移植 性。
Research on Equipment Transportability Engineering Management of U.S. Army
美军装备 运输 性工程管理研究