Examine how one of these authors uses the trickster to develop conflicts challenge social order or create comedy .
细察一位作家是如何利用 骗子 引起矛盾冲突,挑战社会秩序或造成喜剧。
As the tale is told a man named Jack who was notorious as a drunkard and trickster tricked Satan into climbing a tree .
由于故事被告知,名叫Jack,谁被 以为是酒鬼和 骗子臭名昭著的一个男人,欺骗,爬树撒旦。
The archetypes such as scapegoat trickster as well as terrible and good mother have their show in this play .
替罪羊原型, 小丑原型以及坏妈妈,好妈妈原型在此剧中均有展现。
You will have to pay attention and not be hung up on time for that will become the trickster and cause the energy to take even longer to calm .
你将必须专心而且不要卡在时间,因为那将会成为 骗子而且导致能量要花更久的时间去平静。
On the Trickster Figure in Samson Agonistes
论《力士参孙》中参孙的弄 笑者形象
A plausible trickster rogue liar etc
花言巧语的 骗子、无赖、说谎大王等
There is your classic heroic hero willing and un-willing heroes group orientated and loner heroes anti-heroes tragic heroes trickster heroes and loner heroes .
有经典的英雄主义英雄,自愿的和不情愿的英雄,团队和单独的英雄,反面英雄,悲剧英雄, 骗子英雄和孤独的英雄。
A Re-Reading of the Multi-Faceted Figure of the Indian Trickster
印第安 传统 文化初探 (之 二) &印第安 恶作剧 者多层面形象的再解读
In early August I had written that the trickster aspect of the program was going to play another hand .
八月初,我已经写了程序的 魔术师 外貌 正要玩弄另一 门手艺。
This is all about the Priests - the Magicians - the Trickster - the Myths and Metaphors .
这都关于祭司魔法师 骗子神话和隐喻。
The first part exhibits different forms of Tricksters before Spiritual Journey in connection with Miltonic Samson in which we may find similar attributes in the beginning stage of a Trickster journey : Samson the Promethean hero and Samson the Trickster monkey .
第一章论述了弥尔顿的参孙在精神之旅前所展示的不同形态,如偷火的普罗米修斯,神猴 孙悟空,以及他们如何用物质的 手段造福于人类。
She is a trickster in true form .
她才是真正的 伪君子。
The Pyramid over Egypt links with the Pyramid of Time and Illusion . It is run by I Thoth or Hermes the Trickster and Master of the Game .
埃及上方的金字塔与时间和幻象的金字塔相连接,通过我,透特或赫尔墨斯 魔术师和游戏大师运转。
Zomo the Rabbit an African trickster sets out to gain wisdom .
兔子佐莫是一个非洲的 骗子,企图得到智慧。
Any self-evolver must be a coyote trickster .
所有自进化者必须是像土狼一样高明的 魔术师。
The slyest trickster of our time .
当代最狡猾的 骗子。
Fizz the Tidal Trickster is a perfect example of this .
潮汐 海 灵·沸嘶,就是一个很好的例子。
Usually a trickster 's life is pathetic .
通常一个 骗子的一生都是很可怜的。
The trickster narrator adopts different narrative strategies to vary the distance between her voice and the voice of the protagonist thus to express a complicated attitude towards the protagonist and to deliver insightful comments on the issue in question .
而 书 中 长袖善舞的叙述者则采用多种不同的叙事手段来改变自己的声音和主人公的声音的距离,从而表达对主人公的复杂的态度和对涉及的事情的独到见解。
A series of Cook Yearbook and for today 's well-known18th century French trickster Fool 's Day at a time when organized a dinner to imitate the funeral will be arranged .
以编著“烹饪年鉴”而为当今人们熟知的18世纪末法国 恶作剧者格里莫?雷涅赫,在某次愚人节时,举办了一个模仿葬礼布置的聚餐会。
The story of this blade is linked to the life of a Human thief known as Tobias the Trickster .
这把剑的故事和一个叫做诡诈的托拜厄斯的人类盗贼的一生 息息相关。
Image of Trickster in Winter In The Blood by James Welch
詹姆斯·韦尔奇《血中冬季 》 中 恶作剧 者形象 解读
They 're easy prey for every sharp-witted merchant and trickster .
他们很容易被精灵的商人或 骗子 欺骗的。
The farmer got his treasure and his reputation grew as the best trickster in the land .
农夫 不仅得到金银财宝,全国最 会 耍 花招 的 人 这样的名声也 跟著 不胫而走。