A New Technology for Reducing the Hygroscopicity of Explosive Containing Ammonium Nitrate and Trinitrotoluene
一种降低铵 梯炸药吸湿性的新技术
Intervention effects of health education and behavior environmental protection on trinitrotoluene chronic occupational diseases
健康教育及行为环境保护对 三 硝基 甲苯慢性职业损害的干预作用
The effects of trinitrotoluene ( TNT ) on Ca2 + - ATPase and protein-thiol of rat hepatocyte plasma membrane were studied in two experimental models .
用两种实验模型观察 三 硝基 甲苯(TNT)对大鼠肝细胞质膜Ca~(2+)-ATP酶和蛋白巯基含量的影响。
The injurious conditions of crystalline lens were examined for 156 workers exposed to trinitrotoluene ( TNT ) and the affecting factors to injury caused by TNT were analysed .
本文调查了156名 三 硝基 甲苯(TNT)作业工人的眼晶体损伤情况,并分析了影响TNT损伤眼晶体的有关因素。
Peripheral blood specimens of 48 workers exposed to low concentration ( 0.85mg / m_3 ) trinitrotoluene ( TNT ) were examined .
本文对48名接触低浓度(0.85mg/m~3) 三 硝基 甲苯(TNT)工人的外周血象进行了检查,发现平均红细胞体积(MCV)非常显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。
Test method for industrial powdery explosives contained ammonium nitrate and trinitrotoluene
A highly explosive mixture of ammonium nitrate and trinitrotoluene . explosive in flexible or elastic sheet form
阿马托炸药一种由硝酸铵和 三 硝基 甲苯 组成的烈性混合炸药柔性或弹性薄片状炸药
Separation of trinitrotoluene products in the ocular parts of experimental rabbits
实验性家兔眼局部 三 硝基 甲苯产物分离
Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational chronic trinitrotoluene poisoning .
职业性慢性 三 硝基 甲苯中毒诊断标准及处理原则。
Progress in biodegradation of trinitrotoluene
2 三 硝基 甲苯生物降解研究进展
Study on Oxidative Damages of Rat Lenses Incubated with Trinitrotoluene Transalkylation and Disproportionation between Methylbenzene and 1 Over the H β Zeolite Supported Phosphotungstic Acid Catalyst
三 硝基 甲苯致晶体氧化损伤的研究Hβ负载磷钨酸催化剂上甲苯和均三甲苯烷基转移与歧化反应
It is slightly more powerful than trinitrotoluene .
它较 梯恩梯略为猛烈。
The Effect of Trinitrotoluene on Soluble Protein Sulfhydryl Groups and Disulfide Bond of Incubated Rat Lenses
三 硝基 甲苯对大鼠晶状体中可溶性蛋白质、巯基及二硫键含量的影响
It is trinitrotoluene TNT to you .
此物 名 三 硝基 甲苯, 即 通称的TNT。
Objective To observe the effect of trinitrotoluene ( TNT ) on the serum biochemical indicators among workers .
目的探讨 三 硝基 甲苯(TNT)对接触者血清生化指标的影响。
BACKGROUND : The mechanism of trinitrotoluene ( TNT ) poisoning is still not clear .
背景: 三 硝基 甲苯( trinitrotoluene,TNT)中毒机制至今尚未研究清楚。
Effect of trinitrotoluene exposure on the sex and reproductive function in
三 硝基 甲苯对接触 男工性 功能与生殖功能影响的研究
Studies on the yeasts and yeast-like fungi degrading trinitrotoluene
降解 三 硝基 甲苯的酵母和类酵母菌的研究
Conclusion w_1068 Trinitrotoluene may cause injuries on mice 's reproductive function .
结论 三 硝基 甲苯对 雄性小鼠生殖 系 生理机能有损伤。
A Study on Reproductive Toxicity of Trinitrotoluene ( 1 ) Habit of reproductive biology .
三 硝基 甲苯的生殖毒性(1)生殖生物学特性。
The TNT ( 2 - trinitrotoluene ) alkaline wastewater ( red water ) is st udied . PbO2 / Ti electrode as one of dimensionally stable anodes ( DSA ) and three kinds of cathodes have been employed in treating this kind of water .
以 TNT碱性废水(又称红水)为研究对象,采用钛基二氧化铅(dimensionallystableanodes)类阳极和不同材料的阴极对该类废水进行电化学处理。
The levels of lipid peroxidation vitamin C and superoxide dismutase were measured in rat lenses incubated with trinitrotoluene and compared with those in control group .
采取大鼠晶体体外培养的方法, 动态观察了在 三 硝基 甲苯作用下,晶体中脂类过氧化、维生素C含量及超氧化物歧化酶活性的 改变,并与对照组进行比较。
Objective To inquire the mechanism formed by trinitrotoluene toxic cataract and its long-term accumulating effect .
目的探讨 三 硝基 甲苯中毒性白内障形成的机制及其在 体内的长期蓄积作用。
Nitrogen Fertilizer Requirement and Utilization Ratio of Rice Production in the Cold Area A Study of Yielding the Diazonium Salt on Mixing Basic and Acidic Waste Water Formed in the Manufacture of Trinitrotoluene
寒地水稻生产氮肥需要量与利用率研究关于 梯恩梯 酸碱性废水相混产生重氮盐的研究
A yellow crystalline compound C6H3 ( N3O2 ) 3 derived from trinitrotoluene and used as an explosive .
一种黄色的结晶状化合物,C6H3(N3O2)3,从 三 硝基 甲苯中提取,用于炸药。
The antigen spot test for trinitrotoluene hemoglobin adducts
抗原斑点法检测 三 硝基 甲苯血红蛋白加合物的研究
A Study of Yielding the Diazonium Salt on Mixing Basic and Acidic Waste Water Formed in the Manufacture of Trinitrotoluene
关于 梯恩梯 酸碱性废水相混产生重氮盐的研究
Differential Pulse Polarographic Rapid Determination of Microamount of Trinitrotoluene in Waste Water
差分脉冲极谱快速测定污水中微量 三 硝基 甲苯
Objective To investigate the significance of lens photography for the diagnosis of trinitrotoluene cataract .
目的评价 三 硝基 甲苯( TNT)白内障晶状体摄影的临床意义。
Clinical study development on occupational cataract induced by trinitrotoluene
职业性 三 硝基 甲苯性白内障的临床研究动态