


  • Vanilla is extracted from a tropical orchid .

    香草香精是从一种 热带兰提制出来的。

  • It is bordered by the world 's highest mountains by deserts and by tropical seas .

    它的边境被世界上最高的山脉、沙漠和 热带海洋所环绕。

  • Tropical storm Marco is pushing northward up Florida 's coast .


  • She exits into the tropical storm

    她走了出去,消失在 热带风暴中。

  • Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitic diseases ?

    全球变暖是否意味着 热带寄生虫病会蔓延呢?

  • Under normal conditions the ocean currents of the tropical Pacific travel from east to west

    在正常情况下,太平洋的 热带洋流自东向西流。

  • The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens

    泳池周围都是栽种 热带花卉的花园。

  • I had deliberately picked a city with a tropical climate .

    我特意选了一个 热带气候的城市。

  • Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine .

    古巴 属于 热带气候,终年阳光明媚。

  • Genus of tropical Asiatic and African plants : especially Persian violets .


  • You must grow these tropical flowers in a glasshouse .

    你必须把这些 热带花卉种在温室里。

  • He studied tropical medicine in the university .

    他在大学里学习 热带医学。

  • Tropical rainforests have the most varied assemblage of plants in the world .


  • Genus of chiefly tropical American shrubs and trees having pinnate leaves and red or white flowers .

    长有羽状叶子和红白花的主要在美国 热带的灌木和乔木的属。

  • The company is the world 's largest destroyer of tropical forests .

    该公司对 热带雨林的破坏位居世界之首。

  • Less chemical gets into the subsoil which is particularly important with the light tropical soils .

    进入底土的化学物质会减少,这对土质松软的 热带土壤而言尤为重要。

  • Evergreen or deciduous trees of tropical Africa and India .


  • The weather systems in tropical climates are very different from those in mid and high latitudes .


  • He made a rigorous study of the plants in the tropical area .

    他对 热带地区的植物做了周密的研究。

  • The world 's tropical forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought .

    世界上 热带森林消失的速度比专家们预想的还要快。

  • A tropical storm is gaining strength in the eastern Atlantic .

    在大西洋东部,一场 热带风暴的风力正逐渐增强。

  • I used to think that this sweet tropical fruit grew on a bush but later learned that in fact it grows upon the ground .

    我原以为这种甘美的 热带水果长在树上,后来才知道,它实际是长在地里的。

  • Shrubs and woody climbers mostly of tropical and temperate Old World : jasmine ; jessamine .

    主要在 热带和温带的旧大陆的灌木和木本攀缘植物;茉莉;茉莉属。

  • The Hurricane Center warns people not to take the threat of tropical storms lightly

    飓风中心警告人们,不要对 热带风暴的危险掉以轻心。

  • Tropical colours may look rather harsh in our dull northern light .


  • I ate all the tropical fish in the aquarium .

    我把鱼缸里的 热带鱼吃光了。

  • Genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of tropical Africa and Asia .


  • Species of tropical American shrubs or trees .


  • I live on plains and deserts and in tropical rain forests and river valleys .

    我生活在草原、沙漠、 热带雨林和河谷。