tree grammar

[tri ˈɡræmɚ][tri: ˈɡræmə]


  • Application of Tree Grammar and Projection to Hierarchical Description of Chinese Character

    树状 文法与投影叠加技术在汉字结构分层描述中的应用

  • This paper introduces a new tree algorithm that is for deleting superfluous symbol and production in grammar and gives a practical example to check the algorithm .

    介绍了 文法中消除无用符号和无用产生式的 算法,并通过实例予以验证。

  • Synchronous Tree Sequence Substitution Grammar for Statistical Machine Translation

    基于同步 序列替换 文法的统计机器翻译模型

  • To the form language the thesis use regular tree grammar to describe form grammar and analyze validation algorithm others use XML Schema to define form grammar of xml format .

    对表单语言采用正则 描述表单 语法和分析验证算法,另外采用XMLSCHEMA定义表单的XML格式。

  • You define a language by defining the structure of its abstract syntax tree its abstract grammar .

    定义语言就是定义它的抽象句法 ,它的抽象 文法

  • Labelled tree grammar and a parser for its syntax

    标志 文法及其语法分析

  • Data Modeling and Tree Graph Grammar

    数据模化与 文法

  • Petri net is used in this paper as a mathematical tool to describe the disassembly tree of products and formulate it in self-definition grammar .

    运用Petri网作为数学工具描述产品的拆卸 ,并用自定义的 语法作形式化的表达,重点研究了选择性拆卸问题。

  • The Apla language takes composed data type tree graph set sequence as the pre-definition type and includes the obvious grammar mechanism to support the generic programming and user-define ADT type .

    Apla语言把 、图、集合、序列等组合数据类型作为预定义类型,并且含有明显的 语法机制支持泛型程序设计和用户自定义ADT类型。

  • The algorithm for generating an improved canonical abstract syntax tree ( CAST ) directly from the grammar for a source program is given .

    本文还给出了为一个源程序从 文法直接生成改进的规范抽象语法 的算法。

  • In order to preserve the two dimensional message of the character a tree grammar is used .

    为了保持汉字的二维结构信息,采用了 树状 文法

  • The attributed tree grammar with coordinates for describing noisy and distorted pattern is discussed in this paper .

    本文讨论噪声 模式 畸变模式的识别问题。