Treat deficiency of kidney-yang with herbs that can warm kidney-yang such as mugwort leaf Teasel etc.
A daily treat of dark chocolate for only two weeks may change metabolism in healthy free-living people says a new study from Nestl é scientists .
雀巢的科学家的新研究表明每天 食用黑巧克力,只需要两周,就可以改善人体新陈代谢健康。
Objective We used traditional Chinese medicine combined with chemical drugs to treat cancer of lung so as to increase the remission rate of the lung cancer .
目的应用中医中药结合化学药物 治疗肺癌,以提高肺癌的缓解率,减少化疗的副作用。
The product can promote the guarantee capability of diagnosis and treat of dental in effect .
该车的研制成功,有效地提高了我军战时口腔 诊疗的随行保障能力。
She suggested a trip to the shops and hinted at the possibility of a treat of some sort
她建议去逛逛商店,并暗示可能 要 请客。
Be to treat items of an account and to audit a job objectively impartially .
公正,是客观的 对待帐目和审计工作。
Application of LEC Assessment in Check and Treat of Hidden Risk
作业条件危险 性评价法在隐患排查 治理 过程中的应用
My aunt often gives me a treat of some chocolates .
我姑姑经常用一些巧克力 招待我。
Objective To investigate effects of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) combining psychological therapy to treat patients of epigastric fullness due to disharmony between liver and stomach .
目的探讨运用中药结合心理疏导 治疗痞满证肝胃不和型的疗效。
And throughout the parks there are cinematically structured stories that treat pieces of American and world culture as ideological tokens while exhaustion and cognitive overload encourage a sense of Commodity Zen .
公园里遍布着各种电影场景,它们 将美国和世界文化的碎片演绎成思想上的符号,而身体的疲劳和认知的超载则激发了一种商品冥想。
What percentage of the patients you treat do you treat outside of a hospital and what percentage do you hospitalize ?
在您 诊治的患者中,接受非住院 治疗和住院治疗的比例大概是多少?
Staff handle tasks assigned by Council and treat members of the public in a fair manner .
职员执行本局指派的任务,公平 对待民众。
Objective To investigate the treat methods of motorcycle vent-pipescald .
目的探讨摩托车排气管烫伤的 治疗方法。
Honey she had in plenty out of her own hives but treacle was what her soul desired and Car had been about to give her a treat of surprise .
蜂蜜在她家里的蜂窠里有的是,但是糖浆才是她一心想要的东西,所以卡尔给她买了糖浆,想给她一个意外的 惊喜。
If however this were considered a sufficient reason for respectful silence it would follow that no man should undertake to treat of more than some narrow strip of history .
然而,如果这就成为应该谨守缄默的充分理由,那末结果就会没有人可以 论述某一狭隘的历史片断范围以外的东西了。
Briefly discussion on the diagnose and treat of diseases of cardiovascular system in peasant patients under the new rural cooperation health system
浅谈新型农村合作医疗对农民心血管系统疾病的 诊疗情况
Their neighbors usually give them a treat of sweets .
他们的邻居通常用 糖果招待他们。
Effect of Different Treat Methods of Yeast on the dispersion rate and Rotifer Culture
酵母的不同 处理方法对其分散度和轮虫培养效果的影响
Role management lets you treat groups of user accounts as a unit by assigning user accounts to roles .
通过角色管理,可以将用户帐户分配到角色,这样可以 将用户帐户组作为一个单位来 对待。
Comparison and analysis of treat cost of hospitalization and emergency for the patient of community-acquired pneumonia
社区获得性肺炎患者住院与门急诊 治疗费用 的比较分析
Interestingly it is also possible to treat some of the patients on ambulatory basis .
有趣的是,还可能在门诊基础上 治疗某些患者。
The Chinese medicine complex prescription ZGR was newly developed in our laboratory for the treat of acute alcoholism and alcoholic liver damage .
本文以传统医学为基础筛选出中药复方 ZGR, 研究ZGR对小鼠急性乙醇中毒症状的 改善 作用及 对动物乙醇性肝损伤的保护作用。
Gravel Root tones the reproductive tract and is used to treat inflammation of the prostate .
粉绿茎泽兰有调理生殖系统和 治疗前列腺发炎的作用。
Is it possible to treat carcinoma of tongue without undergoing surgery to resect tongue ?
能否不手术、不切除舌进行 治疗?
I will take a thankful heart treat all of the past .
我将以一颗感激的心, 对待过往的一切。
Until today 's publication no rigorous randomized study had shown whether community health workers could safely and effectively treat cases of severe pneumonia at home .
直到今天这篇文章发表,还没有严格的随机试验显示社区卫生工作人员是否可以安全有效的在家中 治疗严重的肺炎。
American Academy of Otolaryngology-society of physicians who treat disorders of the ear nose throat and related disorders of the head and neck .
美国耳鼻 喉科学会,主要负责耳鼻喉功能失调及相关的头颈部功能失调。
This reading was easily the treat of my month .
这是很容易的阅读我的一个月 治疗。
WASHINGTON ( Reuters ) - Poor treatment may be fueling the rise of an especially hard to treat form of tuberculosis called extensively drug resistant or XDR TB doctors reported on Sunday .
华盛顿(路透社)-周日有医生报告,治疗不当可能助长一种极难 治疗的结核类型,此类型被称作广泛耐药或XDR结核。
美[trit ʌv]英[tri:t ɔv]