Dirt Roads increase the movement speed of units that travel along them as well as improve trade .
道路能够提高军队 行军速度,对加快贸易 运输亦贡献良多。
Impulses travel along the central auditory pathway from the cochlear nerve to the medulla to the cerebral cortex . Hearing may be impaired by disease injury or old age ; some disorders including deafness may be congenital .
脉冲 沿着中枢听觉通路 前进,从耳蜗神经由延髓到大脑皮质。听觉可能因为疾
He preferred that people travel along winding lines of grace and lines of beauty in the aesthetic idiom of the time .
他选择的方案是让人们 沿着蜿蜒的 道路 而行, 道路 两侧依照当时的审美风格而设计成一道优美的风景线。
Trains travel along rails .
火车 沿着铁轨 行进。
Slower surface waves travel along the surface of the earth .
较慢的面波 沿地球表面 传播。
You will see small data bubbles that travel along the wires representing the data flowing through the wires .
你会看到小的数据点 沿着数据线流动,表示数据流的流向。
That will also help others who travel along with you as the higher vibrations are extremely uplifting .
这也会帮助其他与你们 一起 旅行的人,因为更高的振动是极其令人振奋的。
I would like to have another me to travel along with myself .
希望有另一个自己跟我 一起 旅行。
While some staircases remained down into the basements most of the pathways and escalators were blocked by debris forcing rescuers to travel along pipes and squeeze through narrow gaps in the rubble .
一些楼梯倒塌在地下室中,大部分通道和电梯也都被爆炸残骸堵塞,救援的人们不得不在 沿着管道、或是在碎石堆狭窄的缝隙中挤身前行。
He measured the speed at which ultrasonic waves travel along the bone .
他测出了超声波 穿过骨头的速度。
Travel along the scenic Duffey Lake Road to the town of Lillooet the starting point of the old Gold Rush Trail to the Cariboo .
Now three years later I soon stopped trying to argue her back to what I considered the real world and tried to travel along with her on those fantastic journeys into the past .
三年后的现在,我很快便改变了想法,不再试图把她拉回到我以为的真实世界,并努力与她 一起 同行,一头扎进往昔。
The tiny particles-and the pollutant gases that travel along with them-cause harmful effects once they are breathed in .
微小颗粒 和污染气体被人体 吸入后产生有害影响。
Electric signals start in nerve cells and travel along these fibers to and from the brain .
电信号有神经单元发出 沿这些纤维在大脑和 身体各部分支间传输。
This brings us to the mysterious world of star gates where the gods began to travel along .
星门带领我们到神秘的世界,可以和神 一起 旅行。
And we will travel along this ray and see which part of it which values of r are in our region .
Study on the Agglutination Carrying Capacity of the Plane-generated Double Enveloping Worm ; The sum of these two waves has an envelope and as the waves travel along the envelope rides on them at different speed .
平面二次包络蜗轮胶合承载能力研究两列波之和有一个包络,当两列波 行进时,包络以不同的速率前进。
They can reach speeds of up to25mph and would travel along their own narrow road system .
它们的时速可达25英里,而且会 沿着其自己的狭长道路系统行使。
Two other kinds of stem cells in the ovary-germline stem cells which spawn the egg and escort stem cells which travel along with it-didn 't rely on integrins for anchoring the researchers showed .
但根据研究者的观察,两种其他的卵巢种系的干细胞则不依赖粘合素的固定作用,它们可以产卵繁殖,并 护卫干细胞的漂移。
The waves may travel along arbitrary direction on the sea surface .
平台被视作空间杆系结构,海面 波可 沿海面任意方向 传播。
To turn at or travel along a fork .
分叉转一个弯或 绕一个弯。
The problem with electrical signals is that they get weaker and weaker as they travel along metal wires .
电信号有一个难解的问题,就是当其 沿着金属导线传送时,信号会变得越来越弱。
In some ways you are in a most peculiar time as you are looking to release yourself from old ties yet they travel along beside you .
因为你们正在寻求从仍然在你们 身旁的旧的束缚中释放你们自己,从某种程度上来说你们正处于一个最特殊的时期。
When you type on your keyboard the keys travel along a path within the operating system before it arrives at your browser .
该软件通过在键盘驱动级别, 深入操纵系统加密你的按键的方法使键盘 记录器失效。
Each successful woman is on a unique journey and she expects her adviser to travel along with her the study says .
报告说,每个成功女性都在经历一个与众不同的人生,她希望理财顾问能够和她 同行。
Faith has become a star and her owners have started the With Little Faith Foundation and they travel along with their pet spreading their faith and God 's love to as many as they can .
信念已经成为明星,她的主人开办了“和小信念同在基金”。他们同宠物 同行,尽他们所能传播信念和上帝的爱。
Many cars and buses travel along the road to the town .
很多小汽车、公共汽车 沿着公路开进城。
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